It is an excellent article because I think many of us can remember a pivotal point where criticism converted performance to a higher level. One of my poignant recollections was in Navy basic flight training. It was in a T-34 at NAS Saufley Field. I was scheduled for cross wind landing training with my very vocal instructor in the back seat. We flew to Silver Hill, a small airport in southern Alabama to practice numerous cross wind landings--15-20 knots or so from the side. After he screamed at me incessantly and told me that I would flip us over faster than a popcorn fart, things seemed to improve a bit. Finally, he said, "Ok, Herman, let's go home." That was a turning point.
Three flights later we flew back to Silver Hill and made a few touch and gos. Captain Ken Evans told me to pull over and let him out. I made 6 T&Gs; he climbed back in and said I was safe to solo. That night at happy hour he cut my tie in half and we became good friends.