Author Topic: Which side do you carry?  (Read 11137 times)

Offline energyhutch

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Re: Which side do you carry?
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2013, 12:41:06 AM »

I was thinking the same thing (or not I guess) about not having anything in the pocket ... hadn't even occured to me. Great thread.

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Re: Which side do you carry?
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2013, 04:23:03 PM »
A recent post by a member on "stand, move or take cover" made an interesting observation...many in close encounters use only one handed shooting in spite of extensive training to use two...most had no memory ofusing a front sight, and evidence suggested point/shoot was predominant...because of threat focus, there seemed to be an inordinate number of hits on the weapon or the arm holding it (this was done with paintball .38 rounds from real pistols).  This would suggest a weak side weapon might be problem with the R9 is that I have trouble with arthritic wrists, and weak side I'd get off one shot and have a limp-wrist failure to feed with near certainty.  I can, however, do well left handed with my Seecamp .32 left handed/one-handed although it is painful.  Might consider an off-side weapon in areas of significant threat...I rarely carry more than the R9 (or the Seecamp in very light clothes).
ps:  a very good pocket holster choice is inexpensive and not fancy, has no show-off value, but has supplanted my fancy leathers, and that is the DeSantis Superfly.  It is super sticky, has a velcro backing that can be moved to either side for ambidextrous front pocket carry with absolutely no imprinting on the pistol, or the backing can be removed for smaller pockets.  Works great front or back pocket, or sits in the car door pocket when I'm traveling and protects the pistol while there.  Just be sure to get the right size for the pistol.
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Endur Fortis

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Re: Which side do you carry?
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2013, 04:10:10 AM »
If I am carrying the R9 as a backup weapon, I'll generally have it weak side front pocket. I try to have at least one weapon available to each hand whether gun, knife, ASP, OC Spray, Taser, whatever.