First, congratulations on your choice of the finest pocket pistol yet designed.
As for grips and such, I spent four years in Africa and damned near got planted there. I was intent on Africanizing my R9.
So . . . here are the pre-ban ivory grips for No. 132 (display stand courtesy of "Yankee," CITES-compliant elephant-hide holster courtesy of Milt Sparks, and magazine case courtesy the late, great R. J. Hedley whom I was honored to call my friend):
The old ivory is fragile for range use, so I have a pair of factory-supplied Hogue grips covered in CITES-compliant elephant hide for EDC:
This type of self-indulgence is expensive, difficult, and time consuming. I worked on the ivory grip project for over a year. Also, even the legal use of such materials is subject to severe criticism from those who do not understand or appreciate the importance of CITES or the necessity of tightly regulated hunting and the commercial use of material from animals who die from natural causes either in the wild or in authorized captivity to fund efforts for the preservation of endangered species.
Send me a PM if you are truly sincere, share the views I have stated regarding CITES, and want to discuss the matter further. I got lucky on finding both the ivory and the leather, but they are available if you have the time and patience and are willing to invest the funds to pursue their legal acquisition. Be advised, however, that the CITES-compliant ivory grips alone can easily exceed the cost of the R9 itself.
[Edit: Corrected typo.]