Author Topic: From Rangemaster Memphis on "Gun-Free Zones"  (Read 2742 times)

Offline Richard S

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From Rangemaster Memphis on "Gun-Free Zones"
« on: January 08, 2013, 05:36:55 PM »
This just received from Rangemaster Memphis:

We got this information via John Lott, a noted researcher on gun control issues.

The night James Holmes shot so many people at the Aurora, Colorado, movie theater there were a total of seven theaters showing The Dark Knight Rises on that same night, all within a twenty minute drive of Holmes' apartment. Did the deranged gunman pick the one closest to his home, or the farthest? Neither. Did he pick the one with the largest audience capacity? No. He chose the only one that was posted as a Gun-Free Zone. Colorado is a shall issue state, with a lot of concealed carry permit holders. By choosing the only theater posted as a Gun-Free Zone, he was assured of having unarmed victims to prey upon.

I consider posting a business as a Gun-Free Zone to be criminally negligent, at best, if not an active accomplice to murder.

Don't look for this to be covered by what passes for "national media" these days.
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"