I carry in the front right pocket with a DeSantis Nemesis when necessary, but prefer the Meco Billy holster which will carry OWB or between the belt and the pant. It can be carried right or left depending on how you orient it.....very light, very concealable...not fancy but extremely versatile. I will often carry that way but will have the pocket holster in the car. Should I need to leave the pistol in the auto, I put it in the DeSantis, or if I really can't carry OWB, I use the pocket carry. There are some fancy and very expensive holsters out there (I have a DelFatti OWB that is beautiful, but rarely carry it except in the winter with heavier clothes), but in truth, a CONCEALED carry holster should remain concealed, and therefore should not be displayed...hence, why pay for bling if function is the major concern? Just the opinion of a conservative Scot.
Marte Suo Tutus