Selling my R9S Stealth. I'm the original owner, and the pistol has exactly 360 rounds through it. Pistol is in perfect condition, and of course I have both magazines, box, manual, everything that came with it new.

Also includes a set of VZ Grips black G10 grips, two sets of extra grip screws, three extra recoil springs, and one of Yankee 2500's curved magazine extensions which I've modified into a kinda' sorta' straight mag extension (forgive me Richard, but you were out of the straight ones and this worked).

Also includes a Desantis Nemesis pocket holster and a left handed Desantis 086 belt holster. Neither holster shows any wear.

All a new owner needs is ammo and they'd be ready to carry the Pup.
Not interested in parting things out at this point, so everything is offered as a package deal. $975 shipped to your FFL or $950 FTF in north Texas.