I spent yesterday with my first love. I haven't had my hands on her in awhile.....still has perfect proportions!! No one every forgets their first love.

She is a model 60 S&W .38SPL "Chiefs Special" with bright satin finish....

She was my constant compainion in the early 70's. Over the years we driftted apart as often happens in life. I would see something new and different and become infatuated but the fire that burned for the new model would eventually fade and the cycle would repeat itself. Several years ago I read about the R9S....could this be the one? At the time I was involved with a Seecamp 32. When I received the R9 and held her for the first time I had mixed feelings. She was small and strong with a beautiful smooth surface. After several sessions with her we became comfortable together. I spend a lot of time now with the R9S. Sometimes I feel the need to go back in time.....No one forgets their first love....

What was your first love?