Well after lurking around here the last several months, I finally bought a new R9S Stealth - my first Rohrbaugh. Well, actually it's a present for my fiancee which means I will get to see it once in a while when I am cleaning it.

In any event, I was looking for something small enough for her to carry anytime, anywhere - particularly while trail running. The size and weight of the R9S is perfect for her to carry CCW on her torso water belt. I have also talked with Coachg on the forum here about making a custom "flash bang bra holster" (google it) for the R9S since the maker of that holster has no plans to offer it in a Rohrbaugh fitment.
Heck, I am already thinking about buying another for me to pocket carry as an alturnative to my IWB P239. It's all part of my 2011 economic stimulus/jobs plan...I'll bet the POTUS never thought of that one. Good thing there are a few of us who still "cling to our guns".

Look forward to learning and participating in all the great discussion here.