The BEST place for Rohrbaugh Firearms Information on the Web!
Bad influences, all of you. Hanging around here got me all fired up and now has cost me the price of a new Covert. Wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) suggested that I'm nuts since I've been telling her how wonderful my current R9S is, and has suggested that she and I will be much happier people if I sell the old one. Women don't get it...I needed the covert to go with the DelFatti holster I bought recently that she doesn't know about. If anyone is going to be interested in a nearly new R9 with box, paperwork and extras, keep an eye on the classifieds next week. If the ad doesn't show up, check the obituaries. :-/
Don't ask, don't tell. Now where did I hear that? Don't ask if you can buy something and don't tell when you do buy something.