Author Topic: Is a R9 for me? Easier to pocket than a J frame?  (Read 7656 times)

Offline chameleon

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Re: Is a R9 for me? Easier to pocket than a J fram
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2011, 06:56:55 AM »
Reinz, I think (but could be wrong) that +P doesn't make that much difference in a barrel UNDER 3 inches.  

Looking at Federal HST 9mm 124g and their +P, it's 50 ft/sec difference coming out of a 4" barrel.  Not much, as you say.  Approximately 32 lb-ft more energy too in the +P.

I'd say coming out of the R9, the difference would be much less due to the probability not all the powder would have burned.

When I first read Reinz's statement, I thought the same as you, but looking at it for a moment, he is correct, there is no significant difference in velocity coming out of a three inch or larger barrel, so even less coming out of a sub three inch barreled pistol.

Mute point, I no longer use +p ammo, I did when it was all the rage many years ago, okay, I do use it in a revolver, I use 38+p in my .357 on occasion.
I just don't see the need to use +p for the slight benefit if any. Good controlled shots is the key, as stated above.

Offline BytorJr

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Re: Is a R9 for me? Easier to pocket than a J fram
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2011, 11:49:10 PM »
+P seems to make a bigger difference in 45 & 230g bullets and probably 38 spl.  I'd be willing to bet if one ran +p the the R9 is within 7.5% difference...if that.  Not worth way.