Author Topic: New guy looking for something unique to carry  (Read 25833 times)

Offline cadillacguy76

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Re: New guy looking for something unique to carry
« Reply #75 on: December 31, 2010, 06:40:55 PM »
Yes Monroe County is a much better county to deal with.  I am in Ontario an the rules all changed in September of 2010.  Thats what I was told at the county clerks office.  Phil I am glad to here you have a replacement!!!  I am still going to keep my eyes out for a used Robar.

Offline Phsimone

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Re: New guy looking for something unique to carry
« Reply #76 on: December 31, 2010, 07:06:11 PM »
It is not really a replacement. I have another R9s, I just wanted one I could customize to my own tastes. I am not much into keeping things in the safe. I also have a colt mustang that I am going to do a heavy custom job on, a heavy melt, new finish, springs, guide rod, new trigger, some polishing of the ramp etc, some mastedon grips. The only gun that I have that has not been carried is a German made Walther PPK, imported for some Law Enforcement type up in Va. in the early 80s. Was illegal to bring into the country for regular folk. But I might even send that one off to cylinder and slid for 6 months or so for some work.

Offline Richard S

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Re: New guy looking for something unique to carry
« Reply #77 on: December 31, 2010, 10:05:42 PM »

That is a fine plan you have for your PPK. Cylinder & Slide, under the leadership of Bill Laughridge, does outstanding work and provides great followup service. I have a 1911 with one of their Safety Fast Shooting Systems installed. To quote my FFL's rather inelegant comment when he tried it, "That's slicker'n s***!"

When you have it back, photographs, please?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 10:07:56 PM by Richard_S »
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

Offline Phsimone

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Re: New guy looking for something unique to carry
« Reply #78 on: January 01, 2011, 04:08:25 PM »
But of course, but that will be some time way down the road. I am going to put a few rounds through the R9 and then send that off, then budget for the mustang which is a pistol I really like, accurate and reliable but a couple of cheap parts. I have two one that has never been fired and one that has. The PPK once again is NIB and I guess could be made a collector either way I go with it. I bought that to replace a  West German PPKS that was stolen, I really liked that piece too. I would love to get my hands or something around that s_um bags neck.

Offline Richard S

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Re: New guy looking for something unique to carry
« Reply #79 on: January 01, 2011, 06:19:50 PM »
* * * The PPK once again is NIB and I guess could be made a collector either way I go with it. I bought that to replace a  West German PPKS that was stolen, I really liked that piece too. I would love to get my hands or something around that s_um bags neck.

If misery likes company, I truly feel your pain. I've got a list of s_um bags of my own.
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

Offline Phsimone

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Re: New guy looking for something unique to carry
« Reply #80 on: January 01, 2011, 08:28:04 PM »
You know, that was 20 years ago, and I am still as P Od about it as the day it happened. I did end up trading up a bit getting the PPK rather than the /s. As everything I buy I buy to be able to carry. My very first gun was an AMT 380 that fell somewhere between a seecamp and a Rohrbaugh, probably closer to the Rohrbaugh. My largest pistol is a Kimber which is a great pistol in my opinion. But I must say the Rohrbaughs and the Seecamps are my favorites.