Please do keep posting how that works for you as
lurkers like me are on the fence and could use the feed back.
I lurked a lot before the purchase too - and I do mean a lot - here and elsewhere. I think I actually found the end of the Internet - at least as far as posts, reviews, criticisms, videos and anything Rohrbaugh related is concerned. I was still not totally decided when I walked into the gun store to see one in person for the first time.
A couple of things pushed me quickly over the edge:
1 - The ergonomics are superb. The gun just fit my hand so well it felt like it was made for it.
2 - The trigger pull (after checking to make sure the weapon was clear that was the first thing the shop manager had me check out) is like silk - so smooth that if feels much lighter than it really is.
3 - I was lucky because the manager let me fire his personal Stealth; important because one of my reservations was how comfortable I would be with the recoil. Yes - the pup does have some recoil but those who describe it as "very managable" have chosen an apt description. It didn't try to jump out of my hand or bite me or hurt me - it put the round where I aimed it and surprised me how quickly it returned to target - another part of good ergonomics I suppose. I don't think it would be my first choice for a training class where you'd be shooting 600 rounds in two days but I have no fear of it - it was really a lot of fun to shoot and I can't wait to get out to a range again and shoot some more.
4 - For now all I have is a DeSantis Nemesis but it works well and the gun conceals well and carries easily. It clearly fits the bill when you want to be armed but don't want to make a big "production" out of the process. The fact that I can carry 7 rounds of 9MM when everything else I have that's close to that size is only .380 is a big plus.
5 - Fit and finish are near perfection - don't think in terms of other pocket pistols - think more like custom made 1911s from the top gunsmiths.
I do not miss the features that the pup doesn't have. OK - reloads aren't going to challange IDPA records, it doesn't lock the slide open after the last round is fired, and it doesn't have night sights. But that's not its "mission" and those features aren't really important to that mission - it's a small light firearm that's likely to be in your pocket when something else isn't and that can save your life if the need we all hope never happens to any of us actually happens.
I'll shoot it a little - but I'll carry it a lot.