Anyone have an update on this issue? After my third range trip with my R9s I noticed it has a similar chip now, same place, not quite as big as the one pictured in the thread, but of similar appearance/location. I would say I'm somewhere in the 200-250 round range on mine. While I don't plan on shooting it much, the amount of damage the frame has already taken does concern me. Perhaps there's just no way to make Al take this much abuse. I'd happily give up a couple ounces for a steel frame that didn't have several areas of visible damage after 200 rounds even though it looks like Rohrbaugh is absolutely against it from previous posts. Mine already shows wear/damage to the frame rails, frame deformation above the take down pin, and wear deformation where the barrel drops down during cycling and now this chip in the frame.
I haven't had any functioning problems aside with a few rounds of UMC ammo that showed flat primer pressure signs even thought it's not marked +P and did not extract reliably. 115 gr WWB and GD has run flawless. It does concern me though that I have handguns with 30K+ rounds through them that show less wear/damage than my R9s with 250 rounds does. I keep trying to tell myself it's a pocket gun, designed for low round counts and specific use, and I'lll probalby never get to 1000 rounds in it. I consider it broke in and will just run a couple mags of GD's through it now and then to cycle carry ammo, but it still bothers me to see the frame exhibit this much damage with so few rounds. It certainly does not seem normal wear and tear to me but it seems normal from what other users are posting and Rohrbaugh is saying.