Author Topic: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc.  (Read 16479 times)

Offline ACP

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2009, 02:18:36 PM »

Florida and Texas are regarded as the CCW "bellweather states" as their laws shifted the burden from a citizen's having to prove his worthiness of carrying a gun to the state's burden of having to prove why a citizen ought not be permitted to carry concealed.

There are states that will never learn this lesson in which criminals adore gun laws while politicians, (who hate guns), seek to disarm their political foes. That would be us.

New Jersey, New York.....Never Again.
Those who turn their guns into plowshares end up plowing for those that do not - Thomas Jefferson

Offline Reinz

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #31 on: September 21, 2009, 03:43:41 PM »
I apologize if I come across narrow minded.  
To those of you living in "yankeeland"; i.e. NY. NJ. why do you stay with such harsh restrainsts  on your freedoms?

I understand jobs pay more, but then cost of living is more as well.

I turned down job promotions in my previous life because I would not move to NY to work at the home office, even though it was "temporary"; 1-2 years.
 And I paid the price of "going nowhere".

Freedom  and peace of mind is just worth so much more to me than money.

If it is family, I still don't get it.  Mine moved to California, which is almost as bad concealed carry wise.  Attitudes, cultures, thats a whole another story.
I stayed in Texas.

It payed off.

Carry what you want, as many as you want!
No harm, no foul.


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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2009, 05:05:34 PM »
 Yes, I remember 20 years or so ago when I applied for a Civilian CCW in Florida I had to explain why I felt I "needed" to carry. Now that is not the case.  I talked with someone in the CCW department in Florida and they told me they are slammed. About a 60 day wait at this time to get the licenses out. Florida is actually almost encouraging people to get their CCW.

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Offline Reinz

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2009, 06:22:43 PM »
Yeah, Fl is pretty awesome.  Remember back in the 90's with all the tourist rental car "bump/crash and rob"  due to rental car stickers on the cars.
The bad guys now knew for sure who had cash on them.

Well the tourist trade was falling off, so Fla allowed people to do "mail-in'' CCW's!

What a concept!  mail in , out of state CCW's.  

And it only took a couple of weeks before your trip - no red tape- assuming you were clean.

Very successful, got the crime back down, stickers off the cars and tourism back up.



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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2009, 07:38:54 PM »

Good point as to why one would live in NJ or NY. I paid the price for remaining in NJ but I am consoled that it was both job and (ultimately) care giving to my father full time.

I waited until middle age and financial comfort to carry legally and, as I have stated, I will never go back.
Those who turn their guns into plowshares end up plowing for those that do not - Thomas Jefferson

Offline Reinz

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #35 on: September 23, 2009, 04:35:07 PM »
ACP - I understand, having to care for a family member.  That is a complicated, honorable issue.

And we all know why you won't go back, good thinking.


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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #36 on: September 23, 2009, 05:44:19 PM »
Thank you. It was one of the most difficult and rewarding things I have ever done. The trend, over time, has been very favorable: pay dues, reap reward.
Those who turn their guns into plowshares end up plowing for those that do not - Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #37 on: September 24, 2009, 07:48:46 AM »
Or, "What goes around, Comes around " this time in a good way :)
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Offline mefly2

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #38 on: September 24, 2009, 01:41:13 PM »
MY R9s never leaves my pocket.

Wow, that has to be hard on the gun and the washing machine ... when laundered.  Mine should be here tomorrow, but I think that I will remove it from pocket or cleaning ... LOL
I finally took the "plunge".
« Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 01:43:46 PM by meflyjeep »

Offline kjtrains

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #39 on: September 24, 2009, 05:07:04 PM »
Welcome to the forum.  Enjoy.
Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.  Abraham Lincoln

Offline Richard S

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Re: Rohrbaugh v Seecamp, MA Compliant, #s made,etc
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2009, 09:45:45 AM »

Welcome to the Forum and congratulations on selecting the R9. With regard to your new R9, prepare to be amazed.  8)
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"