Hi all.
I bought an R9S Stealth recently, and so far I've run about 300 rounds through it. Ammo has been about 50 defensive rounds (115gr Speer GDHP), with the remainder being mainly a mix of Speer Lawman and Federal A.E. FMJ target ammo.
I'm noticing that the leading edge of the hollow points get a little hung up on the feed ramp, but only when they're the first round from a full magazine. I've seen this in two contexts: when simply chambering a round by pulling the slide back by hand, and when pulling the trigger the first time after loading it 6+1. The former happens all the time, with three different magazines. The latter has only happened once. Only the defensive ammo seems to have the issue; the conical and round noses of the target ammo glide right in.
I wondered if this could be tied to the recoil spring. I let the original go about 250rds, and at the end of its life was when the issue seemed the worst. Then, when I would try chambering a round, the slide would stay back until I tapped the side of it against the heel of my left hand. After I changed the spring, the slide would go forward without any help but would hang up momentarily when the bullet reached the feed ramp. However, the failure while firing the weapon came immediately _after_ the spring change.
I've cleaned the gun after each range session, and lube it pretty thoroughally with Gun Butter oil. The action itself seems to be operating quite smoothly overall.
Any suggestions for improving feeding reliability for the first round?
This has really been a great little gun! I shoot it well (love the trigger), and it conceals so easily I've started carrying far more consistently. Anyway, as I rely on it more, I just want to do all I can to make it as reliable as possible.