Author Topic: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh  (Read 13856 times)

Offline Fud

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Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« on: February 05, 2008, 02:22:01 AM »
Had a Kahr MK9 many moons ago. The thing was built like a tank but a bit too heavy for deep concealment carry so I traded it in. Got a Rohrbaugh a couple of years ago. As other owners here know, it's a nice small, light design.

Just recently, I came across this photo ...

... I don't remember the Kahr being that small. It looks to be almost the same dimensions as the Rohrbaugh. Is it the angle of the photo or are they really about the same size?

I bring this up because I've been wanting (and putting money aside in the hope that they make one someday) an all steel version of the R-9 but if the two guns are about the same size then an all-steel version of the R-9 would weigh about the same as the MK9 that I traded and it might not be worth looking forward to.

Just curiously thinking outloud on this.

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Re: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2008, 07:43:51 AM »

If you haven't seen it yet, this post of Duane's after he attended the Shot Show may be of interest regarding the matter you discuss:;action=display;num=1202020145;start=15#18
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

Offline Fud

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Re: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2008, 10:22:11 AM »
Yes, I saw that. Thank you.

I also recall another thread a while ago that an all steel model was eventually planned -- mostlikely after the .380 and .45 models.

I was just thinking outloud whether or not an all steel model makes sense now or not given the fact that I didn't like carrying my all steel MK9 because of the weight and an all steel R-9 would mostlikely tip the scales at about the same weight.

I know that photos don't lie but I just don't remember my MK9 being  almost as small as my R-9.

That would make the Kahr smaller than Kel-Tec's new PF-9 model.

Offline harrydog

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Re: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2008, 10:24:38 AM »
Here are the published numbers for both guns. The R9 is smaller in every dimension, but not by a huge amount. Every little bit helps when it comes to concealment, but that matters more for some people than for others.

Kahr PM9
Height:     4.00"
Weight:    14 oz (425g)
Length:     5.35" (136 mm)
Width:           0.90" (24 mm)
Barrel:     3.00" (76 mm)

Rohrbaugh R9
Height:     3.7"
Weight:    12.8 oz
Length:     5.2"
Width:           0.812"
Barrel:          2.9"

The MK9 is 22.1 oz. I would expect that an all steel R9 would be no more than 20 oz. That still may be too heavy for a pocket gun for many people, but I want an all steel R9 more for practice than for carry. Plus, a gun like the MK9 is best carried in an IWB holster in my opinion.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 10:58:38 AM by harrydog »

Offline garymass

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Re: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2008, 11:19:49 AM »
Just a question, someone told me that Rev Monn has a partnership in Kahr has anyone heard this before?

I am at work and just placed the two together and they are close but the R-9 is just so much nicer ofcourse it is mine so I have a little prej to it!  ;D


Offline riffraff

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Re: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2008, 12:02:50 PM »

I too at one time owned a Kahr.

The specifications are misleading.  It is the overall design of the R9 that makes it ergonomically superior to the Kahr.  Also the Kahr has no provision for a second strike on a round.  If the round does not go off you have to rack the slide.  This is a MAJOR, BIG, HUGH negative attribute for a carry gun IMO.

I guarantee you that an all steel R9 would be very comfortable and not al all to heavy IMO.

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Re: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2008, 03:07:02 PM »
This is a MAJOR, BIG, HUGH negative attribute for a carry gun IMO.

If it doesn't go off the first time, it's probably not going to go off the second time. I prefer to rack the slide and go to the next round to pulling the trigger repeatedly on the same dud.

Where the R9 is superior to the PM9/MK9 is width. It is a lot skinnier and slightly shorter overall. My MK9 shoots much easier though and digests +P and +P+ just fine. Everytime I carried my R9, I felt like I should have my MK9 instead.

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Re: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2008, 03:09:47 PM »
The MK9 is 22.1 oz. I would expect that an all steel R9 would be no more than 20 oz. That still may be too heavy for a pocket gun for many people, but I want an all steel R9 more for practice than for carry. Plus, a gun like the MK9 is best carried in an IWB holster in my opinion.

I do pocket an MK9 with a spare 8rd in the other pocket.

I would love to see an all SS R9. I would definitely carry one. You're probably right about the weight. I would guess 16oz or so which would be okay with me.

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Re: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2008, 03:40:38 PM »


I am going to strongly disagree with you.  The R9 does have a history of FTF's.  The second strike almost always does the trick.  If you are familiar with various types of ammo and I am sure you are then you know that some of them can be a bit difficult to set off with the R9.  Yes, yes I know and agree that the carrier should be absolutly knowledgable and confident in his ammo choice.  If you use Remington ammo. though you never know what you are going to get >:(

I am referencing the vast majority of conceiled carry persons out there.  I am not talking about you experts.  For the average Joe who is not a gun expert, the ability to pull the trigger for a second strike is extremely important.  Non gun nuts are not going to take the time to perfect the 'if it doesn't fire, rack the slide' drill and in a life or death situation even if they did practice this drill they would most likely not remember it.  I am not talking about soldiers and police officers here.  I am talking Joe or Jane citizen.

So to reinterate, I strongly disagree that a second strike ability is not important.

My Opinions Only.  But as you all know by now, I will defend and repeat my opinions,  untill someone manages to change my thought processes on whatever the given topic is.

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Re: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2008, 10:08:37 PM »
Lack of a second strike capability is one of the reason why I traded in the MK9 and got a Colt Pocket Nine. That was several years ago and eventually I got the Rohrbaugh. However, over the years with less and less guns offering this important feature, I've compromised and now am willing to accept a gun without this IMPORTANT feature.

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Re: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2008, 11:17:22 PM »
My Rohrbaugh never had a problem with light primer strikes. From what I've read it is the later ones that have had this problem.

I like how the Kahr trigger is smoother and lighter than the Rohrbaugh because of the striker fire setup. But if we all liked the same thing, the world would be a boring place.


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Re: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2008, 01:09:57 AM »
I took these pictures recently.  I hope someone finds them useful.


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Re: Kahr vs Rohrbaugh
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2008, 08:59:07 AM »
Great pictures STEPHEN_D!  The 3rd one really shows the big difference for pocket carry.  I like the PM9, but it does not fit in the pocket nearly as nice as my Rohrbaugh.