Author Topic: Loose grip screw solution  (Read 3182 times)

Offline jecrhrbgh

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Loose grip screw solution
« on: October 01, 2007, 09:19:12 PM »
Looking at a report on G10 grips and came across the following quote:

"I've also noticed and heard by many, that grip screws tend to loosen very easily with G10 (without the use of loc-tite) whereas the cotton micarta acts like a lock washer since there is some give. If you find this the case with your grips, it is easily cured with a small rubber gasket made from an inner tube of an old bike tire.  Using a paper hole punch, punch out four small gaskets. Puncture the middle of each one and slide over your grip screw. Problem solved."

Just thought I would pass this information along if anyone is still having problems with their right hand grip screws backing out.  Good luck and let me know if this works for you.  

Offline Reinz

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Re: Loose grip screw solution
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2007, 01:26:27 PM »
Thanks J,  that is very helpful/useful info for some boardmembers.

I would reccomend one small change in application however.  

Using a hole punch would provide a much too large of a hole for the grip screw on a R9.  The screw would actually fall through the hole.
You will probalbly have to cut out your own tiny circle that would fit into the grip hole and then use a small drill bit (1/64)  or  a nail/safety pin to  punch a hole into the rubber.

  Of course trying to punch a hole that way would give one of those ragged "resealable" type of holes where you would have to moderately force the screw through the rubber.

This might actually work better than Locktite or nail polish.

Worth a try for those  of us having a headache with loose grip screws.

Thanks J
