I know that Glock "disavows" use of Reloads as far as warranty work goes also..
To my knowledge,no one from the factory posts here,although I think that someone has viewed in the past-unknown now..
I know that when I spoke with Karl R.,he told me that his idea of a computer was a writing utensil!!

This is considered the "UNOFFICIAL" Rohrbaugh Forum,where the Seecamp Forum is the Official Seecamp Forum-and Larry Seecamp is a great guy..

There has been a lot of discussions on this board on the "recommended" ammo choices,nothing in the Rohrbaugh manual I know,should probably be for a starting point..
A lot of what is/has been "figured out" on the pup,has been done here by it's forum members..
Trial/error for sure,and we keep learning new stuff all the time,tweaking and twisting ideas,and making them work,for a marvelous piece of "metal" called the R9..

Check out Chris's site-so much info he has gathered in one place!!
The pup is a relatively "new" item,even now,and it will all work out in the long run!!
My pocket "Rocket" is a Deer Park pup,with a Seecamp on the side!!

I hope that all gets figured out with the pups on the "fritz"..