Author Topic: range report...not good  (Read 10301 times)

Offline prydwen

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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2006, 08:26:42 PM »
the concern on handloads is probably hot loaded stuff
or just shoddy work by the loader..I am pretty careful with my loading and will be using on mid-power loads as per the manual...and if the rem or win works I won't have to worry about it maybe...
does rohrbaugh have anybody on this forum site?  I know
Seecamp personally visits his and responds to things.  

Offline Brenden

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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2006, 10:18:56 PM »
I know that Glock "disavows" use of Reloads as far as warranty work goes also..

To my knowledge,no one from the factory posts here,although I think that someone has viewed in the past-unknown now..
I know that when I spoke with Karl R.,he told me that his idea of a computer was a writing utensil!! ;)

This is considered the "UNOFFICIAL" Rohrbaugh Forum,where the Seecamp Forum is the Official Seecamp Forum-and Larry Seecamp is a great guy.. 8)

There has been a lot of discussions on this board on the "recommended" ammo choices,nothing in the Rohrbaugh manual I know,should probably be for a starting point..

A lot of what is/has been "figured out" on the pup,has been done here by it's forum members..

Trial/error for sure,and we keep learning new stuff all the time,tweaking and twisting ideas,and making them work,for a marvelous piece of "metal" called the R9.. 8)

Check out Chris's site-so much info he has gathered in one place!!

The pup is a relatively "new" item,even now,and it will all work out in the long run!!

My pocket "Rocket" is a Deer Park pup,with a Seecamp on the side!! ;D

I hope that all gets figured out with the pups on the "fritz"..

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Molon Labe

Offline prydwen

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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2006, 09:58:36 AM »
glad to hear that.  if it does not work with a few more tests of rounds I may fire it off to them. This weekend I will have the opportuinity to test some different ammunition in this thing and am still hopeful one of them will work well.  
Is there a thread on this forum someplace for posting what works and what does not? might be of value to new owners or even current owners and avoid everybody repeating the same useless stuff...for ex. if it is universally found that a
brand X will not work, but found that there is an 85% success ratee with brand Y, then it would be helpful to share this information.  In fact, I wonder why the factory does not offer this type of information? Again, Seecamp does and is a good example to follow.

Offline Michigunner

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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2006, 11:11:58 AM »

Here is the ammo I used with the new R9S.  There were no failures.  The number of rounds is also show.

18      Gold Dot  124 gr.
19      Winchester LEO Ranger 147 gr
10      Magsafe 60 gr Defender
8          Federal 124 gr Hydra-Shok
7       Winchester USA 115 gr


Offline prydwen

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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2006, 02:53:48 PM »
thanks for the ammo list..if my current selections fail I'll start on your list...this pistol says Deer Park on slide also, so guess it is same model as yours?
seems this feeding & extraction problem is not unique to me, but is fairly widespread.
 I have not yet gone to calling mine a "pup"...I have other names for it at this time none of them so cuddly as that.  I don't know Mr. Rohrbaugh, figure he is probably a good man, but sure wish he'd jump into things and offer some cures for the many of us who seem to be having trouble with his invention.  I've sent his business address a letter today asking for advice and input on this issue...we'll see what develops between my continuing efforts to make this thing work and my inquiry of the makers.

Offline jarcher

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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2006, 01:45:49 AM »
Well, instead of writing him a letter, why not pick up the phone and call him?  He'll either take your call or return it.

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2006, 04:21:56 PM »
Yes, a call to Maria initially with an outline of troubles should hopefully enable a chat with Karl to follow.
Chris - R9S
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Offline theirishguard

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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2006, 01:18:09 PM »
I second Chris's thoughts. Call them, they all want you to be a happy camper and will be happy to help you.
Tom Watson, DVC , Quis Separabit ,  Who dares wins, Utrinque Paratus

Offline prydwen

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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2006, 05:34:15 PM »
jarcher,...I like to start with a letter.  it's a kind of heads up thing and allows the recipient a chance to think about the question or problem and give a better calls are more routine and tend to come at bad times for a person to consider the issue well, at least that's my personal experience. Besides, a letter allows a better record of what least initally...typically the phone calls start after that.  We'll see how it goes.

Offline Brenden

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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2006, 06:23:03 PM »
I originally wrote a short note when I sent in a Warranty card.
Out of the blue,I get a call and it's Karl Rohrbaugh..
We spoke for quite awhile and he was as interested at the start as he was at the end..
If you write,you should get a return call as soon as things allow..
I trust the Bros R to take care or their customers.. :)

Hope all goes' well for you in this matter..

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Molon Labe

Offline jarcher

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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2006, 08:23:21 PM »
I can understand that.  The reason I usually start with a phone call is that the formalness of a letter can sometimes put people on guard.  Also, too often, people miss part fo the letter and don't respond to all of it.  

One time I placed an order for spare grip screws and a spare recoil spring and Eric called just to let me know they had shipped.  They will take care of you.

But I understand everyone has their own preferred way to handle things.

Offline capt.koolaid

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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2006, 01:53:04 AM »
WOW! Ive yet to get my grip screws.....JAYCEE! can ya "remind" Karl for me? ::)


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Re: range report...not good
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2006, 04:54:37 PM »
So you have any updates?