Author Topic: Bad range results then "Sold it..!"  (Read 3838 times)

Offline erh

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Bad range results then "Sold it..!"
« on: September 23, 2006, 11:26:58 AM »
Went & tried to shoot my latest pre-fired "Range" R9s; absolutely awful results; "Ultra finicky..!"  Didn't care for GD's at all.  Didn't waste anything else w/ it; I was busy being REALLY pissed about it...  Not the used gun, but the absurdity we are all going through W/ the $1000.00 pistols that "Might work..?!"  
I tried only 35 rounds and had (18!) assorted mis-feeds &/ or jam's; W/ BOTH MAGS..!"  I even tried a "3rd Brand New Mag. in the Mix..!"

So, I cleaned it lubed it w/ the intention to go post it for sale, & happened to have a guy ask me to see it right then..!  He offered me really close to what I had in it on the spot W/ O a single question other than how much; so I didn't have to tell him my "Fresh New Results..."  
  I sold it...  Pretty darned disappointed about it, especially as much as I have "Bragged" in the past about them...

I've still got a "Safe Queen", but I guess it'll stay that way...  Dropping the idea of the "Stealth" now.  I may try one again in a year or so; who knows..!  My experience w/ them now lead's me to the conclusion that they are either "Really good immediately, or really not ever..."  (Bummed out let me tell yah...)

Still like the board though; I just really wish my experiances w/ the "Pup's" were not so "If'y..!"

Eric                  :-/
"The Hill", GA.