Thanks for the input. It would only be used as a carry load. Doubtful if needed in a self defense situation I'll notice any difference in recoil in "fight or flight" mode.
Ha! Too Funny.... 400 gr out of the "snubbie" 500 -- you are a brave man! I've got the 10.5 Hunter...can't imagine shooting the 3.5 inch model. An interesting story about my 500. It was one of the first units out of the Performance Center.
During the second range session -- to sight in a scope -- it developed a nasty habit of unlocking the cylinder during the recoil phase, rotating to the next live round and lighting it off! Nothing like an unintended "double tap" of a 500!
I have a scar over my left eye (where the scope made contact with my shooting glasses) when it occurred. Well, facial cuts bleed like a stuck pig.... Poor girl at the counter in the range office thought I had been shot in the head when I went to the rest room for paper towels.
Of course, I shot the gun a few more times -- just to make sure the phenomenon could be repeated...yep, it was a common occurrence with my particular pistol.
When questioned, the S&W service personnel acted like they had never heard of such a thing...but asked that I send in the pistol to be "checked out". When I got it back, the hammer, hand, and cylinder lock and lock spring had been replaced -- the new hammer was stainless, the previous one was not. Later, I read of other instances with faulty 500s...
Well, I digress....but can say I've had a revolver go "automatic"!