Well guys, I have found nervana.
For those of you who have been keeping up with my very frustrating jam probmlems with my R9S, I have found the solution.
Latest range trip today I had another batch of every kind of hard to find ammo you can think of(thank God for the internet).
Again nothing seemed to work EXCEPT, Aguila 9mm IQ 65gr hollow point. These come 20 per box and are expensive. They have a nickle plated case and some kind of alloy bullet.
I fired the first mag with these and they worked perfectly. I then systematically tried all the other ammo with the same problems, jams, failure to pick up from the mag, pseudo stove pipe jams, an occasional failure to fire a chambered round, the occasional failure to fully extract, it was maddening! I then fired the rest of the Aquila rounds and they all functioned perfectly! I am very happy. The R9 is a joy to shoot when it functions well.
I have already ordered 25 boxes from the-armory.com. That's not a whole lot of ammo at 20 rds per box but I don't care, they work perfectly and of course with a 65gr bullet recoil is as good as it gets.
If I don't get on the forum every day and a new guy posts about jam problems please, please tell them about this ammo! My R9 suffered from every kind of jam problem you can think of the this ammo works perfectly. The R9 is a very special gun and I found out that it just takes a very special ammo to make run to it's potential.
Aguila IQ 65grain bullet hollow point. I got mine at the-armory.com.
Today is a good day!!!