I picked-up my R9s this afternoon. You should've seen ALL the customers surround me when I opened the case. Most of the customers didn't know what a Rohrbaugh was. Some had only heard of the Firearm but had never seen one.
Much to our surprise, a customer pulled out his Kel-Tec to compare sizes. Of course,.. his was a 380 cal. He didn't say much!

They all couldn't believe how small and how light and how well made the R9s was. They thought is was made of Titanium. I allowed everyone to handle it and one customer even asked if he could pull the Trigger. I hesitated a bit but allowed him to do it. He was pretty surprised how smooth the pull felt.
They were all extremely impressed!!
As I left the store after the Transfer was done, ...EVERYONE thanked me for showing them my Rohrbaugh. I told them to make sure to visit the Rohrbaugh Firearms Site for information and to please visit us on the Forum.
Thinking back,....I didn't even get a chance to hold the Gun till I got home

I'll take it out to the Range this week-end and report back with a RR and possibly a small video clip of me firing it at the Range.
Just thought I'd share the excitement with everyone!