Brenden is a black belt in possession acquisition--way too
much money and time, but that and several other things
makes the world go around.
tracker my friend..
I have neither too much money (seem to spend it all),and if you only knew about my "time"..

When I find something I truly like/love,do not want to be without it,I will have 2 or more,if at all possible..

Invariably,the "good" things will stop being made,offered,available!! Been there-done that-got the T-shirt.
Sometimes I get a bit "overboard" and have to make an adjustment in inventory
I have a VERY "difficult" time in passing up a "deal" sometimes,and kick myself for doing so too many times!!

Dave,4 Seecamps eh!! 3 .32s and 1 .380 ??
I am near-have a .380 thats been at my friendly downstate dealer since April..

Lets all keep the economy rolling-I hear that some places have a 1 a month limit on handgun buys? Wellll,12 a year isn't bad!!
