Author Topic: Comments on my first range experience with the R9s  (Read 3171 times)

Offline TeufelTexan

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Comments on my first range experience with the R9s
« on: March 03, 2006, 02:24:56 AM »
Got her out onto the firing line today.  Had some trade credit at a local Gun Shop so I cashed in on 100 rds of 124 gr Gold Dots.  Also broke out 100 rds. of Win. White Box. for break-in.  Ended up firing the entire 100 of WWB and all but enough to stoke 2 mags with GD's  - came to a total of 187 rounds fired (Ouch...).  Interspersed this with chit-chat and 100 or so rounds through my Kimber so that my hands could rest.

Started out rough.  3 FTF's in the first 2 mags, all 3 with very light pin strikes near the outer edger of the primer.  Appeared that the weapon was almost firing slightly out of battery.  Had me a little concerned but this particular prob did turn out to be break in (I Presume) as there were no further occurences in the next 180 or so rounds.  

Noticed a few failures to return to full battery early on as well.  Went ahead with the upside down Hogue sleeve on the grip and this went a long way towards reducing (not quite eliminating) the battery issues.  All of these resolved with a quick IA tap and rack.  I take this to be a grip issue and I'll address it further after more break in and practice (I have short but thick fingers - I expected the grip to take some experimentation).

One thing I am not so sure of is the propensity of the #5 round in both mags to often fail to seat in the chamber or to double feed with the #6.  Happened more than I care to think about.   I've been replaying the physics in my head and I can imagine this being the result of grip - but when it did happen it was inevitably on the #5 round.  Mag spring or follower issues?

Tore her down and cleaned her good.  Saw the requisite wear of the aluminum rails.  She was well lubed and the wear was uniform so I take this to be break in.

I kind of feel that the early issues were break-in and the later were Dirty Gun Syndrome.  The #5 issues in the beginning, middle and end are not yet understood.  I do understand these tolerances are tight and I ain't gonna sweat the "dirty" factor in a defensive weapon that I expect to get a max 13 rounds out of in a real world situation (as that is likely all that I will have on me with 2 mags and 1 in the pipe).

Won't rely on her solely until I nail down these nagging issues.  Any suggestions on techniques (or more reliable fodder) would be appreciated.  I would like to square this away on my next range visit so that I can put her in the lineup.  I know I will also be replacing the recoil spring during the next visit (should hit the 250 mark).  Maybe a new spring on a (now) broken-in pistol will resolve some of these issues.

Anyone else have a rocky start (or similar issues) but end up with a reliable carry piece in the long run?  I would love to hear some positive feedback on this.

Thanks in advance for the Info,
« Last Edit: March 03, 2006, 02:28:51 AM by TeufelTexan »

Offline Michigunner

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Re: Comments on my first range experience with the
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2006, 11:25:31 AM »
TeufelTexan, thanks for the excellent report.

Many here feel that abrasive tape added to the front and back of the grip does wonders.  It completely stopped the pistol from squirming in my hand.

My pistol has fired 62 rounds total, which included Gold Dot, Ranger 147, Magsafe Defender, Federal HS, and WWB.  I've been very fortunate to have zero problems.

There are many talented people here who may be able to offer helpful comments about your experience.

I hope these rough edges quickly smooth out for you.


Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Comments on my first range experience with the
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2006, 01:00:33 AM »
TT - thx for the comprehensive write-up.

Indeed your initial prob's I think can be put down to break-in, loosening up etc.  That tho does seem to vary - mine were pretty OK from scratch.  Howver i think too as we adapt and get the feel - so grip improves too and that as we know does matter.

This ''round #5'' is a bit of a puzzle.  I would do a routine mag strip-down and check for correct spring orientation (see FAQ to check) - and also ensure follower is free as free - which it should be of course.

Certainly for me - GD's are very reliable and I stick to those.  I hope next session runs well - just keep her clean and hopefully it'll run just fine.
Chris - R9S
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