Hey gang,
I have finally gotten a chance to go through firearms qualifications with my R9S, for backup/off duty carry. Prior to qualifications, I've only had a few rounds through the gun. Maybe 10 in all. I had stripped it, and put it back together, but had not cleaned it. It basically looked clean at that point. Ammo is Speer GD 124GR, as recommended.
Day qualifications, 50 rounds, scored 92.4. Not bad, a little lower than usual, but not surprising for a mouse gun. I did have two FTFs (Failure To Feeds) during the course. Each time, racking the slide sent the errant round the rest of the way into the chamber.
Night qualifications, 50 rounds, 82.5. Since it's recommended you break this gun down and clean it every 50 rounds, that is what I did following the Day course. I stripped the weapon, wiped off all the dirt (didn't use solvent, was in the field, but it did look clean when I was done) and old grease, and using my finger applied a fresh coating of grease to the areas recommended in the FAQ (used Super Lube, as instructed). For the other areas I used a little Militec-1. Reassembled the weapon, and proceeded with the Night course.
Long story short, I had MANY MANY FTFs. I'd say close to 50% of the rounds FTFd. Most of the time a rack of the slide would send the round the rest of the way in, but occasionally it would eject the round out of the gun. When that happened, I'd have to beg the instructor to let me put it back in and shoot it (which he did, but it's not cool).
But quite often the FTF would involve the slide simply failing to strip a round off the magazine. The slide would often return to full forward, with no round in the chamber. That sounds like the slide isn't going back far enough, or the rounds aren't being pushed up to the top of the magazine like they're supposed to.
It seems like the problem must have something to do with the way I cleaned the weapon, since most of the problems started after that. Anybody have any ideas of some things that could cause so many FTFs?
Could I have put on too much grease? Too little? Any ideas?
I did not attempt to clean the recoil spring or the magazines during this fieldstripping.