I finally shot my R9s yesterday and here's what happened:
70 rounds total.
First, I put 50 rounds of the cheap speer range ammo, I had 0 failures of any kind! Quite accurate too. At this point I was happy as a clam.
Then I decided to put 20 rounds of Speer Gold Dot 124gr to finish off my test, since this would be my carry ammo.
Well, this is when it got strange. First, the R9 didn't like to chamber the 1st round of the mag. I would have to physically push the slide forward to get it to chamber. I checked the feed ramp which was smooth as a babys bottom.
Second, the 5th round of the mag would almost ALWAYS fail to completely chamber!!! I had to drop the mag and remove the bullet several times. It did this with BOTH mags.
This to me was very strange & disappointing.
Also, I noticed that on several Double Tap attempts, I would get skunked with the second round because the trigger would not fully reset. That also disappointed me.
Does anyone have a take on this?