I like to show off my R-9. But not while I'm carrying it concealed. I will show it off at the local target range. I will even let others shoot it --if they are friends that I know will handle it correctly, and won't be upset by the "brisk" recoil. I was carrying it one day while at my local gun dealer. They had never seen a Rohrbaugh (I got my R-9 at a gun show) so they said they would like to see mine. I said "OK, may I step in to your back room?" They said yes, so I stepped into the back room. Discreetly took out my R-9, took the magizine out and cleared the round from the chamber. I returned to the front of the store, showed them the chamber was empty and then let them "fondle" it. They were all quite impressed by my pup. Another way I show off my R-9 is with pictures of it I've taken of it with the camera in my Motarola V710 cell phone. It takes great pictures, and has a nice large color screen to show them on. Even though I can't take my pup to work with me I can take the pictures of it with me, to show to my fellow workers who are interested in guns.