Author Topic: Tick, tock.......  (Read 5072 times)

Offline FireBreather01

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Tick, tock.......
« on: December 10, 2004, 01:24:15 AM »
I just received notice that my R9S will be at my dealer on Friday. After my 48 hour "I'm not pissed at anyone" wait - I should have this exquisite piece in my home on Sunday night - sweet anticipation!!!
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Re: Tick, tock.......
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2004, 01:39:58 PM »
Good news FB ....  I am sure the wait will be worth it.  Your first report will therefore not be too far away - yeah? ;) :)
Chris - R9S
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Offline FireBreather01

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Re: Tick, tock.......
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2004, 01:41:41 AM »
Well if I can work some range time for a shooting report in between the darkness of my days, nights, raining bitter cold days during normal work hours, then maybe I'll have to find a long nice dry hallway to shoot down towards a target maybe hung up on a door. And if that doesn't do it (someone might get upset!) then I'll have to find a dreary local lit range into the bowels of gun store dungeons to put my baby thru her paces.

My remaining questions before I get this in my hot and sweaty hands are: I always break my guns down to wipe off grease, blow out mftr dust &  detritus and 'inspect the insides'. Is this step necessary with the soon to be MY R9S, OR can it go from box to range to "BOOM" without any intervening stops. YEEEEEE-HHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Sunday night 5:10 pm -the "I'm not pissed at anyone" 48 hrs expires and the R9S is mine, alllll mine, mine, mine, mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: December 12, 2004, 01:45:02 AM by FireBreather01 »
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NRA Lifer, Instructor

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Tick, tock.......
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2004, 06:54:47 AM »
>>This is one gun where it really pays to read the manual...especially where it goes into breakdown and lubrication.  The gun should come ready to shoot.  But remember to clean and lube every 50-80 shots in order to maintain peak performance...TW<<

Offline FireBreather01

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Re: Tick, tock.......
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2004, 02:22:58 PM »
I got it!!! It has the Blue grips and is marked R9 on the slide although it does have sights. I couldn't find a manual or registration card so I will have to backtrack to the dealers that handled the sale and transfer to see if they misplaced them.

My reaction to handling this gun for the first time was just complete amazement. It was like viewing and touching a work of art! The light weight of the gun coupled with the fit and form of its various components and the almost holographic look of the grips make it appear as if it were sculptured of rare metal and jewels.

My concern about the grips being too small has proved to be unfounded - the R9 feels very good in my hands and I am able to get a very solid grip. I am also pleasantly surprised by the sights, they are better than I thought they would be, although I may try to paint the front sight to help it stand out. As soon as I read my downloaded manual from Rohrbaugh I will try to work in some range time. I anticipate having a very good time getting to know this unique pistol!
Attitude is Everything
NRA Lifer, Instructor

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Re: Tick, tock.......
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2004, 02:44:00 PM »
Excellent news FB .... indeed, actually having the pup in hand surprises many folks - it feels so good!  

I experimented with ''BrightSights'' paint on my #1 R9 ... tho the pic below makes it look a tad neater than it is ... applied with toothpick and dots are pretty good even so ... seems to adhere well ... but prep first to degrease, of course.  I will do this on my #2 when I get round to it.!

Chris - R9S
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