It is possible that I have shot a bit over 3,000 rounds through my R9s (Sorry Eric... I know you told me to carry a lot shoot a little!!!). I did have a few ammo situations in the first several hundred rounds but I now KNOW that I was running my baby too dry.
My customary guns are Glocks, Makarovs and Keltecs - I seldom clean them and they work perfectly! In the spirit of FULL disclosure however I have sent nearly all of my Keltecs back to the factory and had them perfected after the first few hundred rounds...
Although I am not nearly as accurate of a shooter, at this point, as I used to be - the Rohrbaugh is capable of PHENOMENAL accuracy for such a tiny piece. I seldom remember my dreams but I did have an interesting dream last week where, in the dream, a dozen of us Rohrbaugh owners got together at a dirt pit where I sometimes shoot and had a 300 yard Shoot-Out against One Gallon Water Jugs.
The terrific design and the fabulously well perfected tollerances allow this fine piece to shoot far more accurately than another gun of similar size is likely to perform. Many SUPERB pistols and rifles, made for supreme accuracy, happen to be made or modified to very strict tolerances. These tight tolerances tend to eliminate functioning wiggle-wobble which extends longevity, as mentioned before here, and such tolerances also tend to make each Cycle-of-Action more similar and more repeatable.
I have exceptional results in mine with the Winchester White Box, 115 gr fmj that was sold by Walmart last year! The new WWB being currently sold is two-tone and not quite as accurate as last years ammo - although the box is printed the same. Both last years and this years WWB have been perfectly reliable for me.
I have shot a few hundred rounds of Speer Gold Dot Hollow Point in 124 into water bottles, butcher waste, pumkins, watermelons, large Korean cabbage and into a big tub of home made Knox Geletin and the GDHP standard pressure 124 has performed admirably as to expansion - getting to 3/4 inch average diameter as a rule. This same Speer GDHP, which I purchased some thousands of rounds of from AmmoMan, has also proven to be perfectly functional as well.
I think that the Rohrbaugh is not "finicky" in my mind but rather - it is a machine of nearly divine perfection as an engineering marvel. I like such things. I like to "tweek" almost every fine piece of machinery I have, my car, my other guns, my knives, my home, my computers, motorcycles, clothing, shoes, and the list goes on. The Rohrbaugh comes already tweeked to the max as far as I can tell.
I think that there is a common thread that runs through most of us here on the board; we generally appreciate fine machinery and seek to improve upon it for our own use in most cases. We have owned and do own a considerable number of other fine guns and many of them we have customized for better performance. We appreciate that the Rohrbaugh Brothers have built and custom finished a machine that is UP TO OUR STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE and we find that remarkable, refreshing, commendable and very, very, valuable!
I've not made a habit of brevity in my speech or writing - in most any area!!!

I think I speak for all of us in saying - Try It and we think you will love it. Let us know where you reside, where you travel if that pertains, and if possible one of us will likely try to meet you and let you pet and shoot one of our babies!