To post a picture to the Forum, first upload the photograph you want to use from your computer to one of the Internet hosting sites. I use Photobucket, the basic service of which is free of charge. (After a few weeks, you will probably want to subscribe for greater hosting capability, as the cost is very reasonable.) The Photobucket site will then offer four options for sharing the image: (1) Email & IM; (2) Direct Link; (3) HTML Code; and (4) IMG Code. Copy the Direct Link code into your computer's memory and then open a post window. When you reach the place in the post where you want to insert the picture, click the small photo icon (fourth from the left in the second row above the message box) and use your mouse to paste between the "
" codes the "Direct Link" code previously copied from Photobucket and being held in your computer's memory. The photograph should then appear in the preview window.
[Corey beat me to the punch. The link to Chris's FAQ site is better than my description.]