Has anyone else joined? Looks to be a good tool to carry.
Membership in the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network is something to consider for anyone legally carrying a gun. For $85 a year you get (to start with) $5,000 worth of case review, legal consultation with your attorney, and expert witness testimony if necessary. You also get three DVD's worth of training the first year and then one training DVD each year (shows you take continuing firearm education seriously). And you get a discount at the online store which sells books and training DVD's.
I figure $85 a year ($225/3 yrs) times 30 years (my remaining life if I'm blessed) is approximately $3,000 - cheap for some of the very best legal defense consultants including Massad Ayoob. Of course you have to actually use your gun in self defense and then be charged with a crime. But if that ever happens you'll need all the expert consultation you can get. And as a member all of it will be good, and some of it will be free.
http://www.armedcitizensnetwork.org/ You also get the use of a Member's Only discussion forum. I emailed Massad and got a personal response! Good guy.