Author Topic: One Handgun A Month In PA..  (Read 5138 times)

Offline Brenden

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One Handgun A Month In PA..
« on: August 03, 2006, 08:17:57 PM »
A "Big" city thing??
I guess that if you HAVE to buy one a month!! ;)

Senate panel takes opinions on gun billSome say limiting sales in Phila. will help curb violence; others want existing laws enforced.
By Mitch Lipka
Inquirer Staff Writer
Law enforcement officials and gun-control advocates told a Pennsylvania Senate committee yesterday that a bill intended to hinder the so-called straw purchases of handguns - acquisitions of weapons by someone without a criminal record on a criminal's behalf - could help curtail gun violence.

The testimony taken by the Judiciary Committee at Philadelphia's City Hall, the first of four stops statewide, comes as the city's homicide total continues to soar.

"I think the availability of guns is the real problem," Police Commissioner Sylvester M. Johnson testified.

The bill, sponsored by Sen. LeAnna M. Washington (D., Phila.), would limit handgun purchases to one per month per person - eliminating what law enforcement officials call the straw purchase of many handguns at a time, often from suburban gun shops. Typically, those guns are then illegally resold.

One of the most notorious of those shops, Lou's Loan in Upper Darby, had its gun-selling license revoked Monday by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said guns sold at Lou's were connected to 441 crimes between 1996 and 2000 and to 178 crimes in 2003.

Gun-owner-rights organizations told the senators a new law was unnecessary, as numerous existing laws that could make a difference are not being enforced. One gun dealer told the panel that shops are not making bulk sales of handguns to individuals.

"This is not happening," Gregory Isabella, vice president of Firing Line Inc. in South Philadelphia, said.

Dealers must keep a log, and whenever a person buys more than one handgun within five days, it must be reported to ATF.

He and others who support less restrictive gun laws told senators that prosecutors should pursue straw purchasers more vigorously.

Many of those who supported the bill urged the panel to expand the bill's reach statewide. Right now, it would apply only to Philadelphia.

Diane Edbril, executive director of CeaseFire PA, told the senators that only 19 of 2,873 licensed gun shops are in Philadelphia, while more than 300 are in the adjacent suburban counties.

Her counterpart in New Jersey, Bryan Miller, said Pennsylvania's gun laws affect neighboring states.

"The laws in Pennsylvania not only enable straw purchasing, they encourage it," he said in an interview. "Pennsylvania's laws encourage the development of illegal gun trafficking."

In written testimony, Camden Mayor Gwendolyn Faison quoted ATF data that show the percentage of recovered weapons used in crimes in that city that originated from Pennsylvania jumped from 23 percent to 40 percent between 2000 and 2004. Guns originating from New Jersey, which has more restrictive gun laws, accounted for 16 percent in 2004, down from 23 percent.

"As long as there is a free flow of illegal guns across the Delaware River bridges from Pennsylvania, our ability to effectively reduce the gun crime and violence devastating Camden's neighborhoods will be severely diminished," Faison wrote.

There are no gun stores in Camden.

In Philadelphia, anyone who wants a gun can go into all sorts of places to get them illegally, Bilal Qayyum, cochair of Men United for a Better Philadelphia, said.

"You can buy a gun in a barbershop. You can buy a gun in a grocery store," he said. "You can buy guns everywhere in the city of Philadelphia."

Johnson noted that while the number of people killed this year - 235 as of late yesterday - was alarming, the toll could be far higher. About 1,800 people have been shot, he told the panel.

Anything to slow the flow of handguns to the streets would be helpful, he said.

"Do I think the one-gun [bill] is going to stop all this overnight? No, I do not," Johnson said. "I do think it's a major step."

He also suggested it would take time for such a law to have an effect, but he emphasized the need for action.

"Our children are dying on the streets every day," Johnson said.

He also said that a cultural change encouraging people who witness crimes to come forward must be nurtured and that the hero worship of thugs in certain areas must end.

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Offline BillinPittsburgh

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Re: One Handgun A Month In PA..
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2006, 12:24:09 AM »
"Fast Eddie" Rendell has made statements asking for Phila. to be able to make its own gun laws.  As someone who lives in a neighboring county and goes there frequently, I definitely don't want that to happen.

Now is a really good time to write to the state legislators to nip this nonsense in the bud.
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Offline R9SCarry

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Re: One Handgun A Month In PA..
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2006, 12:26:12 AM »
Yep - it is the Philly deal that is driving this but - as ever - I regard the one a month thing as totally worthy of ridicule.

I mean come on people - does this really change the status quo regarding crime?  No it does not and cannot - it only takes one gun to go on a killing spree and the BG's anyways usually get theirs from underground sources.

No - it is an attempt like so many to frustrate and limit the honest folks.  It makes little difference to me I have to say - I have all but completed my collection but there were times gone by once or twice when I bought three guns in a week - let alone a month ;D

I get so tired of empty useless legislative moves - it harms only the good guys.
Chris - R9S
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Offline Aglifter

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Re: One Handgun A Month In PA..
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2006, 03:03:51 PM »
And the ever present "for the children, b.s." -- If they want to pass a reasonable law, how 'bout making it a captial offense for any politician to base a need for a law because it's "for the children"  (this would preclude laws actually for children, such as education, child abuse, molestation, etc.)  
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Offline sslater

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Re: One Handgun A Month In PA..
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2006, 09:21:47 PM »
I was born & raised in Philadelphia and graduated from Drexel University before relocating to Michigan.  Many years have passed, but the political climate hasn't changed much.  

So, let's see if I got this right:  Limiting legal gun sales to one / month in Philly will lower crime....
Will this limitation also apply to illegal gun sales??   That's it, let's make sure the lawmakers limit the crooks' gun purchases, too.  >:(

Offline BillinPittsburgh

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Re: One Handgun A Month In PA..
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2006, 12:07:11 AM »
The PA legislature is now considering eliminating the preemption of local regulation of guns.  PA forum members, please contact your representatives and senators now.
Gentleness can only be expected from the strong.  Ancient Chinese proverb.

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: One Handgun A Month In PA..
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2006, 08:28:06 PM »
Yes - time is passing.  This from NRA this week -

[size=13]Please Contact Your State Legislators Today!

This month, all gun owners in Pennsylvania need to stand-up and be
heard.  Anti-gun legislators, led by Representative Dwight Evans
(D-Philadelphia), are pushing new gun control measures in Harrisburg.
Pointing to data from a recent Pennsylvania Democratic Party funded poll
that indicates suburban residents are concerned about gun violence,
Evans stated that "legislators should move beyond boundary lines and
party labels to take action on gun control."    

Gun-control legislation has been dead on arrival in Harrisburg for more
than a decade because the balance of the General Assembly supports the
rights of gun owners.  However, if Representative Evans and his
supporters are successful this could change overnight.  

However with your help, we can again stop this from happening!

Pennsylvania gun owners have two important dates to remember:

September 25th - Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing Senate Judiciary
Committee Chairman Stewart Greenleaf (R-12) schedules final hearing in
Harrisburg - On Monday, September 25, the Senate Judiciary Committee
will be holding a final hearing to receive testimony relating to urban
violence.   The hearing will be held 10:00 A.M. in Room 8E-B of the East

Over the past several months, the committee has heard testimony from
public officials and anti-gun zealots insisting on new gun control
legislation to combat urban crime.  This will be the final opportunity
for NRA members to voice their concerns regarding the lack of
enforcement and prosecution of federal and state firearm laws which has
fueled violent crime over the past year.  If your planning on testifying
or need additional information, contact Gregg Warner of Sen. Greenleaf's
office, (717) 787-6599 or

September 26th - Committee of the Whole Meeting
On Tuesday, September 26, the House of Representatives will convene as a
"Committee of the Whole" to focus on crime and violence in Pennsylvania.
The Committee of the Whole is a rarely used legislative mechanism
designed to allow for a more informal, free-flowing public debate of a
particularly critical issue facing the Commonwealth.

Topics expected to be addressed include: "One-Gun-a-Month" legislation,
elimination of statewide preemption, semi-automatic firearm bans as well
as other anti-gun legislation which infringe on your rights as
law-abiding gun owners.

The time is NOW!  

NRA members across Pennsylvania must call or write their State
Legislators and send the message that stiff punishment of criminals who
commit crimes with guns is the key to stopping crimes committed with

You can contact your State Representative at (717) 787-2016 and State
Senator at (717) 787-5920.

Chris - R9S
Guns don't kill people - people kill people.
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