I find the protesting of a soldier's burial sickening.
As a former member of the military and a veteran, I can say that often the war and the soldier have very little in common. No matter what your political affiliation or views on this war are, I just can't understand belittling those that are called upon to fight in it.
Soldiers don't sign up to fight. We don't seek war. I can tell you from experience that we would much rather be home with our wives, husbands, children, friends and family. There are many in the military now that don't agree with what is happening in the Middle East, but in the end, we believe in this nation and know that sometimes things must be done to protect it.
In those moments, the Soldier, Airman, Marine, and Seaman will put aside his or her personal feelings and step up to fight for a cause that he or she knows to be far greater then themself. Sometimes, they even have have to pay the ultimate price. These are not men and women to be used to gain political support. They are not to be made a mockery of. These are men and women that should only be held in the highest regards.