For those who have not been to Gettysburg - let me copy here a post I made on THR 18 months or so ago. It will hopefully prove of interest both for the firearms aspect as well as a small glimpse of the area.
I am lucky - it is only 100 miles away - for many folks it is probably too far. This will hopefully allow them to feel they have seen just a little of it.
A short sojourn at Gettysburg.
Last week, my wife and I took off on the bike for a trip over to Gettysburg .... something we wanted to do all this summer but also choosing good and reliable weather (and, avoiding Labor Day weekend!!). We lucked out on that score, with perfect conditions. Arrived latish Wednesday and stopped over, with all of Thursday free for exploration and then returned home late Friday morning.
I daresay some here have visited but equally many have not ... for most I expect, way too far from home. It is tho one of those ''must visit'' places if at all possible ...... three days (July 1st, 2nd and 3rd in 1863) ..... within which timeframe thousands of lives were lost, in what was reckoned to be the most pivotal battle of the war, despite that dragging on a further two years more. Forget here the politics and ''the cause'' ...... remember instead all the young blood that was spilled, countryman fighting countryman.
Let me share some of this visit .... primarily from a weapons standpoint, having taken a considerable number of photo's in the Visitor Center as well as touring the battlefields. The displays are superb, exemplifying the amazing diversity of both rifles and handguns, many of which were bought from European sources as well as home produced.
It was also fascinating to see just how advanced was the artillery, with not only skillfully engineered cannon but also, a vast variety of shells, many fuzed. It is not difficult to imagine the horrors on the battlefields - the carnage and losses. It is estimated that some seven million bullets were fired in those three days!
Now - some pic's which I hope might be of interest to some. One of the problems with items on display behind glass was reflections .. both of other lighting and - making things difficult for using flash too. So, some pic's are far from ideal but still hopefully convey a flavor... I also will have to post in limited numbers due to posting restrictions on images per post.
This picture is one display of pistols and revolvers ..... everything from old single shot front stuffers to the more exotic cap and ball revo's.
Just one cased display of long arms .. it included the not over popular Colt repeating carbine, the one using a revo cylinder.
First of a few pic's showing some examples of revo's dug up .... unfortunately in pretty corroded condition.
More of same tho, somewhat less damaged.
The caption card says it all .....
A nice Colt ... sorry focus not ideal. Had to place camera against glass to cut out flash burn-out.
(have to post in two parts - whole thing is too long!)