Author Topic: Hey Bad guy, please take my gun!  (Read 10458 times)

Offline Erich

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Re: Hey Bad guy, please take my gun!
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2006, 05:04:34 PM »
I'm so glad this was of interest to you all, and I hope the product works well for you.

FWIW, I find the COM boxes difficult to get in and out from under the seats of my (European  ::) ) cars because there's so many edges and cables and things under there that they get hung up on. What I've taken to doing is running the cable forward to the front of the passenger side floor mat, and installing the lock box under there. It's easily accessible from either side of the front, and it's pretty much invisible (the box is so thin it doesn't cause much of a bulge). I've been doing this for months now, and my wife only just snapped to it a couple of weeks ago when I locked up a gun with her in the car - even though she'd been sitting there with her feet right next to it under the mat since the summer.