A Gathering Place for Rohrbaugh Firearms Enthusiasts
[size=13]Florida SB-206, HB-129, and HB-125 Update!SB-206 & HB-129 have been introduced in Florida and are Supported by NRA and Unified Sportsmen of Florida. SB-206, by Senator Durell Peaden (R-2) (Identical HB-129), "prohibits specified persons, employers, and business entities from establishing, maintaining, or enforcing any policy or rule that prohibits a person from parking motor vehicle on property set aside for such purpose when secured firearm or firearms are being lawfully transported and stored in the motor vehicle;and provides for specified immunity from liability for businesses." SB-206 amends 790.25, 27.53. Read More: http://www.nraila.org/CurrentLegislation/Read.aspx?ID=1755[/size]