The first handgun I could ever, so to speak, call my own was a 1911 issued to me by a benevolent United States Government back in the early 1960s. It was love at first sight. The thing was saddle worn and weary, so much so that it rattled if shaken, but to my young eyes it was a thing of beauty. And it worked flawlessly. (They wouldn't let me keep it, though, when I was transferred to the next command.)
For years, I dreamed of "The 1911." When the time came when I had the discretionary funds to embark on the project, I decided that I wanted to start with a new "Plain Jane" Colt Government Model and then place it in the hands of some extraordinary gunsmiths and let them do their "thing."
Once I had purchased the basic gun, I sent it off to Clark Custom Guns for a "Meltdown" and accurizing, and to Accurate Plating & Weaponry for hard-chrome plating. That occupied about a year. Next, Cylinder & Slide added some of Bill Laughridge's magic. Bo-Mar provided the sight package -- adjustable rear and blade front. LaserMax then enhanced the package with a guide-rode laser sight, AJAX found a pair of Sambar Stag grips acquired before India banned export of the material. Finally, under the right grip, I mounted a ClipDraw engraved with my motto in Latin. Magazines -- Wilson Combat.
The entire project occupied about a year of my time, but for the last five years or so my R9 has had a "big brother" that is my personal tribute to the genius of John Moses Browning.
I wish you well on your own project!