I too would like to congratulate you on the purchase of your Seecamp(s). But before you go putting away for a Guardian.380, don't forget the Rohrbaugh .380 is just around the corner. Now perhaps you plan to collect EVERY .380, as available...but if it came down to the R-380 vs. Guardian .380 there would be no questioning on my part as to where to go = R-380...!
Back to your original question about going with the Guardian vs. Seecamp...as this thread will attest - there are people out there who like
both guns for many reasons. But a biggie which I don't recall seeing here is this and I think most folks would agree with me...
Out of the box, you may or may not get a Guardian needing to be tweaked here and there for top performance (mine did) - and there is no question Guardian has an awesome customer service department (my experience they are great), and there are many amazing things they can do to/for a Guardian .380 to make it a piece of art...and there are other Micro Pistol Smiths, like Teddy Jacobson so I'm told...who can work wonders on a Guardian's trigger and who think this gun is one of if not the best Pocket Pistol around.
However, in my experience the Seecamp is
ready to go right out of the box...!...and I have never heard of one that wasn't (anyone here know of any?). Beyond some fancy art work to the gun - there is simply not anything that I know of to make a Seecamp better...no need of a trigger job, action tune, whatever.
Since you have already decided to go for a couple Seecamps these may all be non-issues...but I always like to ponder on why my guns - like a Seecamp or Rohrbaugh...are sooooo fine.
BTW...if you feel the need to unload any of your little Colts - please let me know (