Author Topic: HELP! S&W 340PD AirLite SC and Airlite PD &nbs  (Read 8359 times)

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HELP! S&W 340PD AirLite SC and Airlite PD &nbs
« on: December 12, 2005, 01:25:14 AM »
What is the difference?

I have one I bought and right about the trigger next to the Made in USA stamp it says AirLite PD

My friend just got one recently and it says AitLite SC there????

Can anyone explain this to me?

Is one better than the other?
I guess the AirLite PD is just an older issue?  If so is the older better or newer?  (I don't know but some things like Colt 1911's most will say the older ones are better as no MIM parts so I had to ask if there is a difference here.)

Thanks in advance!
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Re: HELP! S&W 340PD AirLite SC and Airlite PD
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2005, 02:14:17 PM »
Sc is the designation for "Scandium" and the Sc models have a silver finish on the frame and a black ramp front sight.

PD stands for "Personal Defense" and means the frame finish is black, not silver.  There are also different sights available in the PD version, like the fiber optic front sight or red ramp front sight.

On both models the front sight is pinned and could be changed.

Otherwise, the differences are minimal if any at all, and probably don't indicate any signficant differnece in age.
Duane (DDGator)
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Re: HELP! S&W 340PD AirLite SC and Airlite PD
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2005, 03:16:21 PM »
Hmm thats interesting as the one I am buying which is marked SC is black just like my 340 PD   ???

I think you may be mistaken.

My 340PD is Scadium (it says so right inside the box and on the box sticker)

Here is a pic of the one I am looking at buying.
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Re: HELP! S&W 340PD AirLite SC and Airlite PD
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2005, 03:35:52 PM »
The 340PD is also scandium, I did not mean to imply that it was not.  All the AirLite magnum J-frames use scandium.

I stand by my previous comments, as they relate to the current offerings.  Sc designations are silver finish frames and PD are dark finish frames, often with different sights.  This is generally true across all the S&W line.

Your gun seems unusually marked to me -- that is clearly what would be a "PD" model.  I guess it is possible that this is an early model that was produced for a short time before they adopted the PD designation.

Your best best is to post on  You could probably have an answer in about a day -- lots of knowledgable folks over there.
Duane (DDGator)
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Re: HELP! S&W 340PD AirLite SC and Airlite PD
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2005, 03:46:20 PM »
FWIW here is a pic of my 340 PD (the one above is my friends)  Notice mine looks the exact same except it says 340PD not 340SC
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Re: HELP! S&W 340PD AirLite SC and Airlite PD
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2005, 10:09:03 PM »
My 340 PD was made in mid 02
The 340 SC was made in 12/01.

They are both black (some people say the color is the diff. and its not)

They are both rated for the same ammo

They both have the same case

Both shipping boxes says 340pd on the outside BUT the 340SC/PD says SC about the trigger while the other says PD there but as I said they look the exact same!!!!
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Re: HELP! S&W 340PD AirLite SC and Airlite PD
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2006, 10:35:54 AM »
Thought I would start up on this thread, as I need to know more info on the Airlights.  I mentioned on other thread--Aglifter, I meant different thread in this catagory--that I thought the SC's would be less than controllable, esp. shooting magnums.  With my formerly owned Smiths and Colt snubbies, (alum.& all steel), I could easily double tap accurately, and point shoot fairly well.  I was initially attracted to the SC models, but thought that it made no sense to dumb-down the ammo.  I don't need a .357 only to carry it with .38+P.  Anyone have experience?   Larry

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Re: HELP! S&W 340PD AirLite SC and Airlite PD
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2006, 11:27:05 AM »
The SC models get you another couple ounces off the weight -- essentially allowing you to put Pachmeyer "Gripper" grips on it for no net gain -- these are the nicest fitting grips I have on a pistol -- except for my Dan Wesson.  They are HUGE, and they don't put any pressure on the joint of my forefinger (I broke it once, and it's sensitive to pressure.)  With that said, I'm a big guy, so I can conceal just about anything IWB, so the increased grip size doesn't bother me.  They're also stronger, I don't know if a 642 would have a problem w. a steady diet of +Ps, but I imagine a 340 certainly wouldn't.  I do know, according to my gunsmith, that the mechanics of a snubnose can be pretty well wrecked w.o. too much of a blow.  I don't know if the extra strength of an Sc frame would help w. that or not.

W. the larger grips, I can shoot an airlight about the same as the steel one w. the "bell" wooden grips -- of course, I would shoot the steel one w. the Pachmeyer grips even better.

Personally, I like my little J-frame, but I carry the pup, and my XD, and, for back woods, at the moment, a Gemini customs SP101, and when it gets done, a Gemini Customs Super Alaskan in 454 casull.
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