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Classifieds -- For Buying or Selling / Re: NEW Remington RM 380 For Sale
« Last post by backupr9 on March 08, 2025, 08:55:52 AM »
Good pistol, good price…wish I needed one.  Good luck with the sale.
Doubt much can be done about a bent frame, but good luck!
Forum News and Feedback / Re: Please Check In Here!
« Last post by tracker on February 28, 2025, 07:15:03 PM »
Ist gut!
Classifieds -- For Buying or Selling / NEW Remington RM 380 For Sale
« Last post by cargaritaville on February 28, 2025, 08:27:19 AM »
$200 + shipping to your ffl. 941.961.3550, Norm
Forum News and Feedback / Re: Please Check In Here!
« Last post by minnesotaguy on February 27, 2025, 05:38:45 PM »
No problem
Forum News and Feedback / Re: Please Check In Here!
« Last post by Kayaker on February 27, 2025, 01:46:06 PM »
I can get onto the site fine, but seem to be unable to post to classifieds.  Do I need a special permission?

Classifieds -- For Buying or Selling / Custom leather holster
« Last post by Kayaker on February 27, 2025, 01:36:07 PM »
More photos
Rohrbaugh Range Reports / APOLOGIES and follow-up
« Last post by Kayaker on February 27, 2025, 01:20:29 PM »
Apologies to all who offered me help.  I had a rough spot in 2010 and my R9  became a very low priority.  I got it back from Karl and then it sat around for awhile before I even shot it.  The problem was resolved and if my memory serves me correctly, he said at the time that it had something to do with the feed ramp.  I just got back on the forum to sell a spare holster and saw that I was remiss in thanking everyone and providing feedback.
Don't have an answer to your question, but wanted to say welcome to the forum.

With three Rohrbaughs I'm glad you found us here.

Good Luck.

Gunsmithing or Modifications for your Rohrbaugh / Experienced Rohrbaugh Gunsmith
« Last post by robkassab on February 22, 2025, 10:28:58 AM »
I own three R9s with one in need of some special work in order to function properly.  The gun may have a bent frame.  I’m looking for a gunsmith who is intimately familiar with Rohrbaugh and hopefully may have parts.

If you happen to know of anyone who has actual and extensive experience working on Rohrbaugh, I would very much appreciate your input.
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