The Rohrbaugh Forum

Miscellaneous => The Water Cooler -- General Discussions => Topic started by: ccoorreeyy on May 20, 2024, 03:25:38 PM

Title: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: ccoorreeyy on May 20, 2024, 03:25:38 PM
This seller canceled bids and closed a auction I was winning for a early Rohrbaugh barrel.   I sent a message asking for an explanation before leaving any feedback giving him a chance to reply.   He blocked me so now I can't leave feedback but will warn buyers here.  He deserved negative feedback for what he did. 
Title: Re: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: MikeInTexas on May 26, 2024, 10:03:30 AM
Man, that is not good. 

I hope Eric comes along and lets us know his part of the story, as he may know this guy.

Title: Re: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: wildmanwill on May 26, 2024, 09:30:56 PM
Looks like this has been added to the description now:

We listed this for the R9 pistol but Eric Rohrbaugh reached out and let us know:
"That barrel was actually something we played with at our shop and engraved the side of it. It would not fit the R9 pistols on the market, some 7,200 of them, as that barrel was not used except for prototype purposes.
Sell it as a Rohrbaugh collectible but not as a good barrel

Sounds like he ended the auction early because he realized he made a mistake in listing it as a usable barrel after Eric contacted him.  He probably could have been more graceful in his messaging, but at least you didn't over pay for something that wasn't usable.
Title: Re: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: ccoorreeyy on May 26, 2024, 10:15:10 PM
I knew it wasn't a usable barrel before I bid on it.  I was buying it as a collectable piece.   I may be wrong but it should be against ebay policy to end a auction after bids had been placed.  Especially without notifying the bidders first.  I guess I'm used to gunbroker rules.

Title: Re: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: DDGator on May 26, 2024, 10:23:12 PM

Terrible way to do business.  I hope Eric does know him and lets him know that he chased off one of the only people in the world who might truly want this.  If he was concerned about the description he should have contacted you.
Title: Re: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: MikeInTexas on May 26, 2024, 10:38:58 PM
Heck with it, give it another shot.   It's still less than $25 and only a day left.
Title: Re: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: ccoorreeyy on May 27, 2024, 10:34:26 AM
I'm old and stubborn.  Not a chance I'd give this seller any of my money.  If he knew what I had originally bid he would probably feel different about me.
Title: Re: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: DDGator on May 27, 2024, 09:17:25 PM

Well, it is actually kinda cool... but I wouldn't buy it now in solidarity!   ;)
Title: Re: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: ccoorreeyy on May 29, 2024, 08:27:22 PM
It sold for under $24.  My orginal bid on his first listing was 8x that, lol 😆
Title: Re: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: DDGator on May 30, 2024, 07:16:44 AM

That guy screwed up.   :D
Title: Re: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: MikeInTexas on May 30, 2024, 09:48:49 AM
Don't you love it when Karma shows up and says 'Hello'.

Title: Re: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: ECR on June 08, 2024, 10:14:07 AM
Well Well. . . . Wheezer fell in the well.  LOL

I don't know that seller. I did reach out, as shown in an above attachment here. I pm'd him through eBay to explain that was not a good barrel for the R9 pistol. He pm'd me back through eBay and he wanted to do the right thing. I believe with eBay, with regards to something like a barrel for a firearm that MAY BE USEABLE in theory, but found to not be a good item, you are allowed to delete the auction and relist it with the proper information. I would think that course of action would be correct in a legal and safety sense; wouldn't you agree? I think he was not sure of what he had and listed it as he felt was true and correct.
No malice was there from my correspondence with the man.

Now, ". . . With that said" (and I despise that saying), I do actually have some old parts, barrels included, that I was going to just scrap, but I was thinking of putting those items on eBay with extremely low starting bids for our collectors out there. What are your thoughts? Would anybody have an interest in early "setup pieces" for the mantel or "Man Cave"?  Ha haa . . . .

Best Regards to All,

Eric R.
Title: Re: Buyers Beware Ebay Rohrbaugh barrel
Post by: MikeInTexas on June 08, 2024, 10:40:07 AM
I think if you were going to scrap the items anyway, just put together a few packages of them and put them for sale on here at reasonable prices. 

That way you know that the folks that most value your and your brothers work can get a little bit of your legacy.

(And also, some person with a 3D printer doesn't use it to make something dangerous and illegal in many parts of this country/world.  It seems that a decent barrel is the 'hard' part of a built-from-hardware-store-parts firearm, especially outside the USA.  This would most likely preclude seeing something only identified by a barrel marking or something similar with the company name on it appearing in the media with a less flattering article tying it to you guys.)