The Rohrbaugh Forum

Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories => Rohrbaugh R9 (all variations) => Topic started by: Harley on October 04, 2011, 12:12:12 PM

Title: A Very Nice Drive
Post by: Harley on October 04, 2011, 12:12:12 PM
I just got back home to Southwest Ohio from visiting family back in New England.  It's a drive I've made dozens and dozens of times over the years - but this was the best drive of them all.  Why?  I stopped in a fine gun shop in Western Pennsylvania and purchased my first Rohrbaugh - a brand new Standard R9s.  It should arrive at my local FFL by Thursday.

I want to thank all the excellent, informative posters to this Forum who have educated me over the past several weeks.  Thanks to you all, I'm confident I made an excellent choice for concealed carry use.
Title: Re: A Very Nice Drive
Post by: kjtrains on October 04, 2011, 12:24:39 PM
Harley.  Welcome.  A fine decision, indeed, to purchase the R9s.  Congrats, for sure, and do enjoy upon arrival.  Again, welcome.
Title: Re: A Very Nice Drive
Post by: yankee2500 on October 04, 2011, 12:29:07 PM
Harley, Welcome to the group and enjoy your new pup. :D
Title: Re: A Very Nice Drive
Post by: theirishguard on October 04, 2011, 02:32:28 PM
welcome to the forum family and congrats on your purchase.  Tom
Title: Re: A Very Nice Drive
Post by: Robar233 on October 04, 2011, 04:33:35 PM

 Welcome to the forum. I hope you got to see some of our Fall foliage. I just got back from a hike in the White Mts. and it was almost peak there.
 As for the R9, boy I wish I could end a vacation that way. I am sure you will enjoy it a great deal. Please post some range reports. You may want to pick up a couple of different take down tools to make cleaning and P/M easier. The "bling" for your R9 can come later!

Title: Re: A Very Nice Drive
Post by: Richard S on October 04, 2011, 06:59:26 PM

Welcome to the campfire and congratulations on your taste in pocket pistols. And please remember that range reports and photographs are encouraged around here.
Title: Re: A Very Nice Drive
Post by: Harley on October 04, 2011, 07:33:42 PM

Thanks for the advice - I ordered an R.J. Style takedown tool.  As for range reports, I'll certainly share my results.  I'm a chronograph kind of guy, so I'll be interested in comparing R9 velocities vs. my intermediate and full-size 9's.

As for "bling", I'm fairly sure there is NP3 in my pup's future - probably next year.  I'd be interested in any advice or watchouts on that front (e.g. have people done just frame, slide, barrrel and trigger, or have they done whole gun, etc.).

Finally, I didn't get up to NH on this trip (too short), and the colors were still a little early in Mass/CT.  I do have fond memories of hiking in the Presedential Range many years ago, so thanks for the reminder.
Title: Re: A Very Nice Drive
Post by: yankee2500 on October 04, 2011, 07:38:56 PM
Harley I had the full NP3 treatment done on my pup, slide, frame and internals, couldn't be happier.
Title: Re: A Very Nice Drive
Post by: Robar233 on October 05, 2011, 10:14:26 PM

 My pup is a factory Robar and I LOVE it. I have a P226 that has the slide and internals done. It is the sweetest SIG I have seen.

 I would "go the whole nine yards" with the NP3 or the NP3+.
 I really like the straight magazine extensions from Yankee2500. One of these days I will send them in for standard NP3. That is when I feel like parting with them!

 I think I am going to save up for a set of VZ carbon fiber grips. I think I will then need new grip screws but I am not sure why!

 By the way with all the rain and poor trail conditions your memories are better than my real weekend!
