The Rohrbaugh Forum

Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories => Rohrbaugh R9 (all variations) => Topic started by: howards on September 22, 2011, 10:15:21 PM

Title: difficulty with assembly
Post by: howards on September 22, 2011, 10:15:21 PM
i finally received and used my new r9 stealth. shot terrifically, with no problems with 124 gr gold bond hollow points. i shot 50 rounds and came home to clean the gun. i had a very difficult time placing the pin back in the gun on reassembly.  very tough time!  any suggestions or hints. thanks.
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: MrsFosforos on September 22, 2011, 10:34:21 PM
get one of these, use the chop stick wedge to keep the slide open far enough to slide the pin back in.


one of the guys here is selling them: RJ tool

a toothbrush handle works too!
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: kjtrains on September 22, 2011, 11:01:26 PM
i finally received and used my new r9 stealth. shot terrifically, with no problems with 124 gr gold bond hollow points. i shot 50 rounds and came home to clean the gun. i had a very difficult time placing the pin back in the gun on reassembly.  very tough time!  any suggestions or hints. thanks.

howards.  John (yankee2500) sells the tool.

Anyone wanting any of these items has until Sept. 18th to make there purchase, after that you will need to wait until after Nov. 20th.
I will be Europe on Vacation during that time.  


The R. J Hedley style takedown tool is available for the Rohrbaugh 9mm & 380
(  (

They are $33 Shipped paying with a USPS money order, all other payment forms ADD 4%

Address for $33 USPS money order is.

John Perrin
2500 Toyes Dr.
Denton, NC   27239

Address for $34.32 paypal payment is

[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]Don't Forget To Order Mag Extensions & Grip Screws So Everything Can Ship At Once[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: sm8770 on September 23, 2011, 12:46:54 AM
Search "SlideBlok" on the forum or Google it.

This made the pin removal and replacement a true snap.
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: Reinz on September 23, 2011, 04:02:28 AM
Regardless of all the cool tools, if the recoil rod assembley  gets misaligned it can make reassembly a bother.
Make sure the rear part of the recoil rod (the big flat looking washer end) is level with the cam of the barrel.  

Almost as if you laid a straight edge across it.  Thus the rod should be pretty much parallel with the barrel if memory serves me.

Good Luck
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: yankee2500 on September 23, 2011, 07:45:14 AM
Reinz, I like the "If memory serves me" part. ;D ;D
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: howards on September 23, 2011, 12:09:40 PM
spoke with david shobar. he is going to be sending me his tool for assembly/disassembly.  very helpful, and i recommend his tool to all r9 users.
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: Robar233 on September 23, 2011, 05:44:43 PM
 I use both the tool from Dave and the one from John in the picture. I also like the tip of the cut off old style Q-Tip (rolled cotton stick). This is the perfect tool for pin removal. You can also use it for reassembly by pushing the Q-tip out with the pin.

Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: relicdigger on September 23, 2011, 06:40:38 PM
The Q-Tip is a great idea. I have been using a flat cut tooth pick. I also had difficulty with reassembly so I researched this site and I made a tool out of a flat piece of plastic with a 5/32 hole drilled in it for a reassembly tool; it works great.
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: Writer_Ron on September 23, 2011, 11:12:24 PM
I know this isn't the "preferred" approach, but I've turned pin removal and replacement into a two-person job ... and it becomes a snap.

To disassemble my R-9, I hold the pistol and pull back the slide. My wife uses a q-tip stick to push out the pin.

To reassemble it, I pull back the slide until I can see "air" through the larger hole (port side of the pistol) and she reinserts the pin.

As it happens, we performed two complete cycles today: I lubed the gun before visiting the range and cleaned it afterward.
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: darkwaterkid on September 25, 2011, 12:30:17 PM
I initially had trouble with reassembly as well, and found one of the RJ-style tools to be very helpful in getting past that. However, there were a couple posts in the forum saying it could be done without tools, so I kept trying until I figured it out. It does require a little grip strength, but in my opinion this approach adds quite a bit of convenience. You'll still need something to press the pin in and out; my favorite is the straw from a can of spray solvent, but the possibilities are almost endless there.

My wife and I shot this video to show it...

It doesn't always go as smoothly as shown, but with practice it's really not bad at all. Anyway, FWIW, my suggestion is to get the tool, and then learn to not need it.
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: yankee2500 on September 25, 2011, 05:40:44 PM
I know this isn't the "preferred" approach, but I've turned pin removal and replacement into a two-person job ... and it becomes a snap.

To disassemble my R-9, I hold the pistol and pull back the slide. My wife uses a q-tip stick to push out the pin.

To reassemble it, I pull back the slide until I can see "air" through the larger hole (port side of the pistol) and she reinserts the pin.

As it happens, we performed two complete cycles today: I lubed the gun before visiting the range and cleaned it afterward.

Just don't get divorced.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: Writer_Ron on September 25, 2011, 07:44:58 PM

Just don't get divorced.  ;D ;D

It's a two-way street. She's my local pistol disassembly assistant; I'm her in-house IT support person.

Consequently, we're both indispensable to each other.  ;)
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: Reinz on September 26, 2011, 12:54:47 AM
Reinz, I like the "If memory serves me" part. ;D ;D

John - I know you were just hackn' on me, but in my defense,  I fly by the seat of pants a lot when it comes to tearing guns down and not reading directions.   I just "do it" with no issues, so sometimes I can't "splain" it so well; especially at 3 am.  ;D
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: Richard S on September 27, 2011, 07:53:37 AM
I know this isn't the "preferred" approach, but I've turned pin removal and replacement into a two-person job ... and it becomes a snap.

To disassemble my R-9, I hold the pistol and pull back the slide. My wife uses a q-tip stick to push out the pin.

To reassemble it, I pull back the slide until I can see "air" through the larger hole (port side of the pistol) and she reinserts the pin.

As it happens, we performed two complete cycles today: I lubed the gun before visiting the range and cleaned it afterward.


That technique sounded so familiar that I executed a word search and found this post of mine from 2005:;action=display;num=1134518664;start=18#18

Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: kjtrains on September 27, 2011, 09:03:14 PM

Just don't get divorced.  ;D ;D

They could still remain friends!    ;D
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: howards on October 01, 2011, 12:42:49 PM
after acquiring my new r9, i struggled with the assembly/reassembly. primarily, i could not get the pin in or out very easily. i purchased the slidebok and it took about two seconds to get the pin out.  i cleaned the gun, and in about another two seconds, the pin was re-inserted.  amazingly easy. no problems what so ever. i heartily recommend this small, inexpensive device.
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: yankee2500 on October 01, 2011, 01:44:42 PM

They could still remain friends!    ;D

It does happen but not too often I would think. ;D
Title: Re: difficulty with assembly
Post by: kjtrains on October 01, 2011, 02:41:30 PM

It does happen but not too often I would think. ;D

He says they are dependant on each other so the situation is moot.    ;D