The Rohrbaugh Forum
Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories => Rohrbaugh R9 (all variations) => Topic started by: Moonshine on August 23, 2011, 02:50:37 PM
Hi all,
New member here, and I'm afraid I may have been bitten by the R9 bug, but I'm concerned about the recoil. I've read a number of articles and posts describing the R9 recoil as anywhere from decidely snappy to downright unpleasant. A few YouTube videos make it look as though you have to readjust your grip every couple of rounds.
Now, I understand that perceived recoil is highly subjective, so can some of you help me put the R9 recoil in perspective? Two of my current pocket pieces are a Kahr PM9 stoked with Speer 124 +P GDHP and a S&W 442 with the Speer 135 +P GDHP. I don't find the recoil on wither of those to be at all objectionable. Can anyone help me understand how those would compare to a R9S with the non +P 124 Gold Dot's?
FYI, I won't carry a gun until I've put at least 500 rounds through it, but that doesn't all have to be in one session. Our qual course for off duty/backup guns is 50 rounds.
Welcome to the forum Moonshine.
Glad you got bitten and you will be to once you get your very own!
Yes, recoil is vey subjective. I am a medium frame guy in my 50's with nerve damage from my finger tips to my shoulders. I have carpel tunnel and arthritis in both hands and now severe tennis elbow that has not responded to any form of therapy so I have to shoot weak handed.
Why am I giving you my medical history? Because in spite of these setbacks, I can still enjoy shooting my R9.
Time permitting, I will go through on average about 100 rounds per session.
It's not bad. As you said, it is snappy. Most folks find it very helpful to buy a couple of mag extentions from Yankee2500 off of the classifieds section to help with control. They are a top notch product.
If you have no problems with your current guns, I feel confident that you can easily adapt to the R9.
But let me warn you, it Will become your daily carry gun and you will probably want another. Most do.
Welcome to the forum, Moonshine, and good luck in acquiring an R9. I like Reinz's usage of the word "snappy" as it has a positive connotation and is, (for me), an accurate description of firing the R9.
By contrast, the Seecamp, which has a very good reputation and loyal following by members of this forum, never gets good marks for recoil in the .380 version. Never owned one but I know the feeling.
Moonshine, Welcome to the group.
I don't feel the recoil is an issue, a bit snappy is about it.
I need to adjust my trigger finger position by putting farther in (between the first and second joint, because it will rap my first knuckle if I use a standard finger position.
I had a PM9 and only shot it a few times before trading it for a second R9, if you shoot +P in yours the pup should be fine.
Thanks for the warm welcome, and for the advice. It doesn't sound like it'll be an issue.
Good descriptive words here; also, I think it is important to meet the recoil more than halfway by making an aggressive trigger pull in a "forward lean" or positive firing stance. This thought process will help to counter the felt recoil.
Hi all,
Now, I understand that perceived recoil is highly subjective, so can some of you help me put the R9 recoil in perspective? Two of my current pocket pieces are a Kahr PM9 stoked with Speer 124 +P GDHP and a S&W 442 with the Speer 135 +P GDHP. I don't find the recoil on wither of those to be at all objectionable. Can anyone help me understand how those would compare to a R9S with the non +P 124 Gold Dot's?
moonshine. Welcome to the Forum. As others have said, I don't think you should have to worry about recoil either, given what you're used to shooting.
Get yourself an R9 and enjoy! You'll be glad you did.
Could anyone address the OP question re: having to readjust one's grip after each trigger pull? As mentioned, the youtube videos seemed to show frequent repositioning of the grip on the pistol.
If this is the case for some or many of you, might this slow down the time to a second shot in the event of a self-defense situation?
I have not been aware of any regripping tendency or necessity. This may vary with individual shooters but anyone with normal grip strength should be able to shoot the R9 without regripping. However, just like golfers, some have a tendency to regrip even though it is not necessary.
I can only answer for myself, After each trigger pull, NO
There are other variables connected to the answer also, one handed shooting, two handed shooting, ball ammo or HPs and bullet weight will all play a role in the amount of recoil.
And actually this was his observation.
"A few YouTube videos make it look as though you have to readjust your grip every couple of rounds."
Could anyone address the OP question re: having to readjust one's grip after each trigger pull? As mentioned, the youtube videos seemed to show frequent repositioning of the grip on the pistol.
If this is the case for some or many of you, might this slow down the time to a second shot in the event of a self-defense situation?
I'm used to shooting larger caliber handguns, so for me, repositioning of the R9 is a no, don't have to, and I agree, with normal hand strength this shouldn't be a problem.
I have to agree with the members above.
The only thing I might add is that one may be regripping after relaxing and checking their target hits between shots.
Those are very reassuring answers and much appreciated.
I have the S&W 642 and I find that the recoil on it much worse that the R9. I haven't shot my 642 since I purchased my pup 4 months ago. I found that the R9 has a little more recoil than my 3' 1911, but not by much.
I am very glad that I bought the pup and so will you.
S&W steel frame revolvers are the best there is, in my opinion. However, those alloy frame revolvers, that weigh nothing, are very uncomfortable to shoot.
I had a Bodyguard in .44 Special with an alloy frame and it was extremely uncomfortable to shoot. .44 Special, in a steel frame gun, is an accurate and wonderful cartridge.
With the proper grip, (one of the six fundamentals of shooting), there should be no problem with "regripping" the R9.
If I have not previously welcomed you to the Forum I do so now.
Recognizing that felt-recoil, as you note, is highly subjective, I see no reason why you should find the R9's recoil to be anything other than the above-mentioned "snappy." A firm grip is naturally required (no "limp wristing") for a 13-ounce semi-automatic 9mm pistol to function as it should. That being said, I have experienced no need to readjust my grip on the R9 during a string of fire, even with grips mounted that have no checkering.
Now that you have been "bitten by the R9 bug," you need to treat yourself to what I consider to be the finest pocket pistol yet designed.
Again, welcome to the Forum.
Many thanks for all the warm welcomes. My concerns about recoil have been alleviated, and I've spoken to a pup owner who loves his.
OK, I'm sold, now to find one......
Many thanks for all the warm welcomes. My concerns about recoil have been alleviated, and I've spoken to a pup owner who loves his.
OK, I'm sold, now to find one......
There are several members here on the Forum that have R9's listed in the Classifieds; course, you know that, I see.
Also a suggestion in finding an R9 would be to contact Tom Watson of The Irish Guard Firearms. He's in Texas and a member here on the Forum.
Wishing you the best in finding the Rohrbaugh! :)
Moonshine, welcome to the forum, let me know if I can help you get a R9s. I'm ready. Tom
Moonshine, welcome to the forum, let me know if I can help you get a R9s. I'm ready. Tom
E mail sent.
Tom Watson is the best guy to know and do business with for an R9 and, in my case, other firearms as well. We all get a kick (or should I say recoil) out of newguys getting their R9s and sharing their experiences with us. We have been where you are now. Santa is in his sleigh and he has the directions to your house.
Santa is in his sleigh and he has the directions to your house.
LOL, good to know. Let's hope Santa has some dinero for me to help lessen the pain of this new must have. I just bought another $1k+ pistol last month. Doing so two months in a row.....
Moonshine. It's just plain fun to get new toys! ;D
Okay; I'll bite. What was the other $1K gun?
Okay; I'll bite. What was the other $1K gun?
A Dan Wesson Guardian. Alloy frame Commander length bobtailed 1911 chambered in 9mm.
Welcome. I'm apparently a wuss as I find the recoil of my 9mm objectioable after the 3rd or fourth mag. I've been looking for some low recoil ammo for ages. I discovered Aguilla I. Q. ammo and it worked great untill BATF in its infinite wisdom decided that you and I can't be trusted with it and prohibited its import. Having said the foregoing I've put about 1100 rounds thru my pup and wouldn't trade it for any other handgun on the planet. The recoil on my Seecamp 380 is decidedly worse! Am debating whether to get a Rohrbaugh 380 for my 20 year old daughter who has just moved into her 1st apartment. There are better home guns but I'd also like her to have a gun she can conceal on her person if she becomes comfortable with same.
There are quiet a few Rohrbaughs listed currently on Buy one!!! You'll love it.
* * * Am debating whether to get a Rohrbaugh 380 for my 20 year old daughter who has just moved into her 1st apartment. There are better home guns but I'd also like her to have a gun she can conceal on her person if she becomes comfortable with same. * * *
That is a wonderful idea for your daughter. The Rohrbaugh .380, being a locked-breech rather than a straight-blowback design, is extraordinarily easy on the hand as well as the eye.
Sorry for the post. Deleted. Nothing meant to be implied.
That should not be a problem with lag time; by the time the Arkies get around to processing her application she will pass the legal age for concealed carry. Also, if it were my daughter I would buy her the gun, encourage her to become comfortable with it, and keep it in her apartment for self defense and not worry about the age 21 problem--judged by 12 carried by 6, etc..
That should not be a problem with lag time; by the time the Arkies get around to processing her application she will pass the legal age.
It is a problem if someone 20 years of age carries a concealed weapon; not that she would.
No one said she should carry a concealed weapon at age 20.
I know. ;D That's the advice I'm giving. :) Not to carry at age 20! Nothing meant to be implied.
What you didn't recognize is that it is legal for her to own a weapon at age 18, just not concealed carry.
;D Tracker, all I'm saying is for her Dad not to buy his daughter a gun for conceal carry at age 20, not that he would, and that's simple to understand. Reread the post. My goodness. ;D
You should reread jeffgrahams post that preceeded your legal advice. He didn't say that he wanted his daughter to carry a gun at age 20.
You should reread jeffgrahams post that preceeded your legal advice. He didn't say that he wanted his daughter to carry a gun at age 20.
There are better home guns but I'd also like her to have a gun she can conceal on her person if she becomes comfortable with same.
;D Here ya go! ;D Nothing meant to be implied.
He didn't say she should carry it at age 20; RTFQ.
He didn't say she should carry it at age 20; RTFQ.
She is 20! Nothing meant to be implied.
Brilliant; he said she is 20 and he wants to buy her a gun for concealed carry, obviously only when it is legal.
Brilliant; he said she is 20 and he wants to buy her a gun for concealed carry, obviously only when it is legal.
;D tracker. That's my point! ;D ;D
You have a very firm grip on the obvious.
You have a very firm grip on the obvious.
;D Thankyou! :D
The pleasure is all mine!
No more unsolicited legal advice from a non attorney is desired or necessary.
No more unsolicited legal advice from a non attorney is desired or necessary.
That's just some simple common sense and sorry it's offending you. :)
Simple is right.
Simple is right.
Never thought it was any other way! ;)
[Post deleted for having been rendered moot.]
WOW... I've seen some bad hijacked threads but this is one of the worst. :o
I don't think anyone on here would endorse breaking the law. Unfortunately if the OPs Daughter carried a gun before she was of legal age that's there decision, not that I think that would happen.
Unfortunately if the OPs Daughter carried a gun ......
I thought I was the OP.
My appologies, Moonshine, for being a part of that!
I thought I was the OP.
Yes you are and I apologize for not being clear.
My reference was to the OP of the post that caused the Cluster _ _ _k. ::)
Well, thanks to Irish Guard I'm now the owner of a R9S Stealth, and I put the first 50 rounds through it today. It's running 100% and the recoil is not an issue. What I am struggling with is that the front strap is so short that I can only get one finger fully on it. My ring finger keeps slipping off, and with my middle finger being the only one that gets a decent grip the muzzle flip makes keeping it under control for multiple shots a bit problematic. I measured the front strap at 1.25", and the front straps on my PM9 and P380 are both 1.50". Apparently, my fingers need that extra 1/4". Although I've never been a fan of magazine extensions one may be in order with this gun. I found pics of Yankee2500's curved mag extensions, but not the straight ones. Can anyone post a pic, or point me towards a pic of a straight mag extension?
I tend to bury a gun in my hand and I've noticed the pup has a tendency to railroad track the web of my hand just like my Glocks do.
Overall, a well made piece, but it's going to need a little fine tuning to really work for me. I can certainly see why people enjoy carrying one, as it splits the difference in pocket feel between the P380 and the PM9.
Glad to hear about the good range report.
It's not a glamour shot, but here's a pic of the straight mag extension on mine:
Well, thanks to Irish Guard I'm now the owner of a R9S Stealth, and I put the first 50 rounds through it today. It's running 100% and the recoil is not an issue. What I am struggling with is that the front strap is so short that I can only get one finger fully on it. My ring finger keeps slipping off, and with my middle finger being the only one that gets a decent grip the muzzle flip makes keeping it under control for multiple shots a bit problematic. I measured the front strap at 1.25", and the front straps on my PM9 and P380 are both 1.50". Apparently, my fingers need that extra 1/4". Although I've never been a fan of magazine extensions one may be in order with this gun. I found pics of Yankee2500's curved mag extensions, but not the straight ones. Can anyone post a pic, or point me towards a pic of a straight mag extension?
I tend to bury a gun in my hand and I've noticed the pup has a tendency to railroad track the web of my hand just like my Glocks do.
Overall, a well made piece, but it's going to need a little fine tuning to really work for me. I can certainly see why people enjoy carrying one, as it splits the difference in pocket feel between the P380 and the PM9.
Moonshine. Congrats on the Stealth and on the good range report which is to be expected from the Rohrbaugh. You'll get the tweaking down to a science before long, I'm sure. Enjoy!