The Rohrbaugh Forum

Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories => Rohrbaugh R9 (all variations) => Topic started by: xaman on August 28, 2011, 07:14:14 PM

Title: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: xaman on August 28, 2011, 07:14:14 PM
First, I'd like to say thanks to everyone for answering my initial inquiries concerning R9s.  The forum has been informative and quite fun.

My NIB Robar R9 finally landed this week.  It's unfired as of now, something I hope to remedy tomorrow am :)

Initial impressions are quite pleasant.  The trigger is phenomenal, everything is tight and glides like butter.

Here's a few cell phone pics in it's pristine condition:



Sharkskin trim holster set up for appendix carry:



Hopefully I'll have a great range report tomorrow.  Anyone have any suggestions for particular ammo or first shots procedure?
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: kjtrains on August 28, 2011, 07:51:48 PM
xaman.  Very nice Robar, for sure; good looking knife, too!  Looking forward to the range report.  Enjoy.    :)
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: backupr9 on August 28, 2011, 09:46:19 PM
Really nice weapon and very professional photography!  I also like the holster....what make?
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: yankee2500 on August 28, 2011, 10:33:31 PM
Fine looking pup :D
   My aftermarket Robar model eats anything I feed it. I would shoot some WWB for range ammo and Gold Dots or Winchester Ranger LE ammo. I like the 124gr and 147gr. SD ammo and so does the pup.
  Hope the range trip is a good one.
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: xaman on August 28, 2011, 11:34:00 PM
Thanks guys, I am very pleased.  

I need to put your mag extension on one of my magazines before tomorrow too.

Really nice weapon and very professional photography!  I also like the holster....what make?

I made the holster.  I'm a hobbyist leather worker.  My holtsers aren't as pretty as some, but I can make them ride exactly where I want after one or two attempts.  I'll likely use this one for a few weeks before deciding what I want different on the next one.  I threw together a tuckable one too, but it won't get used much. And I still need to make a pocket version, perhaps next weekend.

Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: Moonshine on August 29, 2011, 12:35:53 AM
I'd buy a pocket version along the lines of the holster you have pictured.  That's a nice looking rig.
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: Richard S on August 29, 2011, 10:37:14 AM
* * *  Anyone have any suggestions for particular ammo or first shots procedure?


That is one fine looking rig you have! Also, if those excellent photographs were taken on a cellular telephone, I can just imagine what you could do with a top-of-the-line camera.

With regard to your "home-made" holsters, they look so good that you may soon be getting requests for custom pieces.

As John has suggested, you might want to try some Winchester "White Box" ammunition for range work. That is what I generally use, although WWB is what I call a "dirty" cartridge that leaves the pistol in need of a good cleaning after range sessions. With regard to a carry round, everyone will have a favorite based on experience with his or her own pistol. I personally am now loading 124-grain Remington Golden Sabers in my R9. I have also had good results with 115/124-grain Speer Gold Dots and 115-grain Winchester Silvertips.

Regarding first shot procedures, just remember to maintain a firm grip on the pistol when firing and don't let it become overheated. (Being the smallest and lighest pistol chambered for 9mm Parabellum, the R9 has minimal tolerances and is not intended to be a recreational target pistol.) I would also make certain that the pistol is properly lubricated before firing it the first time. Finally, keep an eye on the right grip screws to insure that they remain tight, since the right grip panel serves to keep the sear trigger bar and its spring in place. 

Good luck with your new masterpiece, and let us have a range report after you have put it through a few drills.
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: xaman on August 29, 2011, 09:26:23 PM
Thanks Richard,

That's the kind of info I was hoping for.  I got hung up this am and couldn't make it to the range, but tomorrow should be better.  In the meantime I broke down the R9 and gave it some Balistol.  I also fitted one of Yankee's mag extensions on a magazine.  Looking forward to tomorrow :)
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: Robar233 on August 29, 2011, 09:41:39 PM

 Great looking pup, holster, and knife. The holster is really special since you made it for your pistol.
 I have 97 rounds through my Robar with no problems at all. If you can find some subsonic 147gr JHP my pup loves them. Plus they have less recoil and muzzle flash.
 What model Chris Reeve is that? It is good looking too. Please post a range report when you can.

Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: xaman on August 29, 2011, 10:29:26 PM
Thanks Robar.

I've had that knife for many years.  It's just an older model "regular" Sebenza that the previous owner had engraved.  I've talked numerous times to Anne (the wife of Chris Reeve) about it, and she tells me that the general sentiment at the shop is unfavorable toward modification, but that they all "love mine", lol.  I like it a lot.

I went ahead and put some VZ carbon fiber grips on while I had the R9 broken down.  I think I like the rounded feel a little better (shown here with a pocket holster):

Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: kjtrains on August 29, 2011, 10:42:52 PM
Eli.  Good looking grips on the Robar; really nice!  I know you're proud!
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: xaman on August 30, 2011, 01:12:50 PM
Hey guys,

I'll post a full report with a couple pics tonight, but let me just say that I'm very very pleased with my first range trip :D
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: kjtrains on August 30, 2011, 06:57:53 PM
Sounds like a good report is forthcoming.  Great!
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: xaman on August 30, 2011, 09:14:45 PM
Finally got outside this am to test my new R9.

I've been a bit nervous about this range trip, mostly concerning the shoot ability of the R9.  I've owned and enjoyed quite a few compact 9mms, including a Glock 26, Walther PPS, Sig P290, and a Kahr MK9.  All of them were a joy to shoot.  Some of you will remember my recent thread asking for comparisons between an R9 and the NAA Guardian 380.  My Guardian had guttersnipe sights (it's actually back at NAA now) and the lack of serviceable sights made a HUGE difference in my ability to place shots.

Well, as you know, the R9 has sights, but they are minuscule compared to my other compact 9s.  Here's my caveat - I know the R9 is a totally different beast. AND I know that in the unfortunate occurrence of a real shooting, sights will likely be a mute point.  However, I just want to have serviceable sights for range time, just something I think is important for my enjoyment of the firearm, and I totally understand if you don't understand :D

With all that said, I was well pleased.  The R9 pointed natural for me, and shot better than the guardian in point shooting.  And when using the sight picture for deliberate slower shots, I was able to keep decent groups. (keep in mind I'm no professional, yet...)

Here's my first ten shots at 7 yards:


And here's another 23 rounds later, 18 of which came from the mag with an extension (I didn't notice any major difference with or without the extension). Also at 7 yards:


As far as reliability, it ran 60 rounds perfectly.  I put 4 types of ammo:
- 20 rounds Geco 124 grain FMJ
- 20 rounds Speer Lawman 115 gr TMJ
- 10 rounds Remington UMC 115 gr FMJ
- 11 rounds Winchester 115 gr JHP

I thought I had Gold Dots to try, but realized I only had +p Gold Dots, so elected not to fire them.  I'll be ordering some more non +p right away, as well as a couple recoils springs.

I was also shooting my Sig p290.  I was able to keep better groups of course, but it's a bigger heavier gun, with full sized sights.  It's easier to shoot, but it's not going to fit in my pocket...

It'll be fun to decide what role the R9 will fill in the carry rotation.  After today's session, it's hopped into the mix as a serious contender :)

Overall I'm quite pleased.  The R9 is cleaned and lubed up, and ready to see some carry time.  I'll report back later as to how much carry time it ends up getting.  

Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: backupr9 on August 30, 2011, 10:33:58 PM
Thanks for the range report Xaman....excellent shooting I must say.  Looks like you have a winner...makes a great backup and a pretty darn good primary carry piece.  
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: Retops on August 31, 2011, 06:03:52 PM
Excellent shooting and nice looking R9.  

I thank you for listing the types of ammo you used.  So many people, none of whom actually own an R9, have come forward to tell me that my new gun is ammo sensitive that I am always pleased to see how accepting the little pistol is of a wide range of 9mm ammo.  Based on my experience so far, I see no reason why I can't trust the R9 as my primary carry piece when I am dressed in my normal work attire.

Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: HR on August 31, 2011, 08:09:12 PM
That's a great looking Rohrbaugh.  I've been looking for a Robar edition for a few months now.  Where, may I ask, did you find yours?  Thanks.
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: xaman on August 31, 2011, 08:37:26 PM
Thanks all.

I carried it today and can't believe how much different it feels IWB compared to my other small 9mms.  I'm not sure I want to make it THE EDC yet, but from a purely comfort index, it wins hands down.

HR,  when I started my quest for an R9 I had no intention of spending the money for an "upgraded" model.  But I just happened to luck into this one.  A friend from another forum happened to see my posts, and as it turns out, he had two Robar editions!  He loves his too much to let the other go, but this one was infired NIB.  He gave me a great deal to boot.  I'm very fortunate.

Good luck in your search my friend.

Of course now I'm already thinking about whether my bride would be happy with one.  She's promised to carry it around the house tomorrow to see if she's comfortable concealing this sized gun.  Then we'll have a range test.

Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: yankee2500 on August 31, 2011, 11:01:13 PM
Nice shooting and good report. The Robars seem to digest anything you feed them. ;D
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: Richard S on September 01, 2011, 07:28:21 AM

Now that is what I've been talking about for the past seven years!

Great shooting. Great range report. Great pistol.
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: Robar233 on September 01, 2011, 09:21:01 PM

 Great report! I am glad your Robar functions like mine! I have to say I think I am going to copy you and get some of those C/F grips. I am having a slight problem with my stock Hogue grips. The checkering is so sharp it is wearing the lining on the inside of the pants pocket.
 Plus your grips look a little bit thicker and that might be good for my big mitt. I found the straight grip extensions to be great for my hand. One of these days I will send them out for NP3.
 Enjoy your pup and carry it often.

Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: xaman on September 02, 2011, 12:26:38 AM
Thanks for all the positive comments.

Robar, the VZ grips are rounded, so slightly thicker in the middle, but thinner at the front and back.  They feel better than the stock grips, even though I never thought the stocks were bad.  The texture on the VZs is nice, it's plenty grippy, but not sharp or aggressive.

Do you think we ought to do a batch of NP3 mag extensions?  I'm wondering if we would be better off sending more than one or two at a time?  I'd love to have two coated...
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: yankee2500 on September 02, 2011, 01:00:13 AM

Do you think we ought to do a batch of NP3 mag extensions?  I'm wondering if we would be better off sending more than one or two at a time?  I'd love to have two coated...

I think you should each get ten done.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: xaman on September 02, 2011, 09:01:30 AM
Me too!  I just need two, maybe Robar needs 8 :D. I don't think I thanked you publicly for the straight extension, it feels great.  I didn't see significantly greater results shooting, but the added purchase when drawing the weapon is quite significant.  I imagine I'll be using the extension 2/3 of the time that I carry my R9.  Great product.

BTW. You probably already know this, but the proceeds from ten won't even buy you a wine and cheese dinner on vacation in Europe :D
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: yankee2500 on September 02, 2011, 11:26:03 AM
xaman glad you like the extension.

  Wine & cheese, we'll be hitting the supermarkets for the free samples.  ;D
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: xaman on September 02, 2011, 01:19:52 PM
Free samples are good, just remember they don't think like us concerning serving sizes.  Last time I got a steak over there, it might have been 3 ounces!  And even drink sizes are minuscule, with no refills, lol.  My coffee cup here at home would equate to an entire serving pot :D. But then again, perhaps  that's why they are all skinny, and we are not...

Just got back from the reange, put another 50 rounds of Speer Lawman through.  My wife and 15 year old daughter each ran 2 magazines worth as well.  We are very pleased.
Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: Robar233 on September 02, 2011, 09:12:02 PM
I have an idea! John should offer NP3 extensions so that he can do a large batch.

I think Robar could handle them either way with no difficulty. I had them do a P226 years ago. I was surprised/please to see the last three numbers of my serial number etched it the individual parts. I don't know if they still do it this way or not. I had planned on sending them out this summer when I started to carry my Seecamp. I have not started to carry it yet! and I don't want to part with the extensions.

Title: Re: It Finally Landed, Robar Edition
Post by: yankee2500 on September 02, 2011, 10:25:47 PM
I thought about doing a batch of NP3 but it was a lot of money to tie up for a looong time, Robars don't pop up every day. ;D
   I don't even have an NP3 extension on my pup. :o

Actually sending a small number can work better because they can just put them in with something else being done.