The Rohrbaugh Forum
Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories => Rohrbaugh R9 (all variations) => Topic started by: DuggaBoye on April 20, 2011, 11:56:55 PM
Just completed almost 300 rds of testing this PM.
9 types of loads
3 mags
All fired from a Conceal City Wallet Holster.
1.) Random brass cast 140gr
2.) Fiocchi 115 gr XTPHP
3.) PMC/Eldarado StarFire 124gr
4.) UMC 124 FMJ
5.) Blaser 147 FMJ
6.) Winchester 115gr Silvertips
7.) Federal 115 gr LE HP's
8.) Remington Golden Saber 124gr
9.) Federal 147 gr Hydra Shock
Then a random mix of all in each mag X 3 for each mag.
No failures to feed.
No failures to ignite.
Thought ya'll might like to know.
DuggaBoye, Welcome to the group.
Great that the pup likes so many different brands and types of ammo, must be from the same litter as my pup. ;D
R9 Covert (Wilson ArmorTuff)
So far so good.
(It is wearing the coating off the barrel at the ejection port )
My pup started as a stock two tone model, sent it to Robar for the full NP3 coating (silde, frame, barrel & internals) and sight dots milled into the slide.
DB. Welcome to the Forum and congrats on the R9 Covert; excellent range results on all those brands of ammo.
My pup started as a stock two tone model, sent it to Robar for the full NP3 coating (silde, frame, barrel & internals) and sight dots milled into the slide.
What would be the cost of a similar upgrade?
question: isn't the "Federal 115 gr LE HP's" a +P+ load?
i ask because i was under the impression that we shouldn't use +P loads in the R9...
thank you
I just looked and wasn't abe to find any that were not +P or +P+ in the Federal LE.
About the +P's in the test-
Several loads were +P
Which equals--
I R an AgGiE nd CAn'T rEAd vEree Gud--
At any rate, DB; still great ammo brand results. :)
If you have not done so already, be sure and change the recoil spring especially after shooting the +P loads. :o
I haven't thought of that; very good advice! :)
The "plan" is to carry the gun with the fresh "#2" spring
and shoot the "#1" spring to failure.
(I also have #'s 3 & 4 on hand already.)
Dugga…welcome to the best forum made up of many Great Americans. Great ammo test report. I too had a plan to shoot a spring to failure….some wise members on this forum informed me that the spring should not be used to failure as it protects the gun from impact damage of a slide that is slammed hard because of a weak spring. Others with much more experience than I can explain better as Toads aren’t real articulate. But please, Friend, use caution and protect your Pup….
After 400 rounds through my pup, no FTF or FTL that I can recall. I did buy it 08 so I may have forgot something.
My girlfriend has shot it too without any problems, she limp wrist a bit too.
Aggie - +1
[nutin' more to say 8) ;D]