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Rohrbaugh Products and Accessories => Rohrbaugh R9 (all variations) => Topic started by: willow on October 09, 2006, 06:36:15 PM

Title: TW25b Lubricant Protectant
Post by: willow on October 09, 2006, 06:36:15 PM
Anybody try this?  It's a synthetic grease used by the military.  Temperature range is -90 to +450 F.  Claimed by the manufacturer to be an excellent lubricant that resists wash off, wear off , burn off or evaporation and be heavy load bearing and protection under extreme pressure.  Made by Mil-Comm Products. Wondered how it would work on a R9?
Title: Re: TW25b Lubricant Protectant
Post by: tracker on October 09, 2006, 08:01:53 PM
I have used a lot of TW products and liked them all.
Title: Re: TW25b Lubricant Protectant
Post by: willow on October 09, 2006, 08:42:38 PM
Thanks for the reply. I have been given a lifetime supply by a friend.  I have a syringe, a squeeze tube and a very large aerosol container. So it's natural I want to use it but not on my R9 if it jeopordizes the gun.
Title: Re: TW25b Lubricant Protectant
Post by: jarcher on October 09, 2006, 11:03:42 PM
No, don't use it.  It's horrible stuff that will not work and grind your R9 into metal shavings.  

I'll do you a favor and take it off your hands.  Ship it all to me ASAP.  I'm such a nice guy I'll even pay shipping.  I can;t let you use that junk on your R9, so I'm willing to pay you to ship it to me to make sure that does not happen!

HAHA!  Actually, it's great stuff.  Use it lightly, you don't need much.  
Title: Re: TW25b Lubricant Protectant
Post by: willow on October 10, 2006, 06:54:25 PM
 I have a friend who is a writer.  He did a review on the stuff and they supplied a bunch for evaluation. I was a recipient of enough to literally be a lifetime supply for me.   That is a Syringe, toothpaste type tube and 16.9 oz. aerosol can.  To repay your kind offer...Send me your R9 and when I am done shooting it in a year or two, I will clean it and lube it with TW25b before returning it.

There is nothing a guy can't fix with several hundred dollars  or a thirty aught six.
Jeff Cooper
Title: Re: TW25b Lubricant Protectant
Post by: Erich on October 23, 2006, 09:16:12 PM
I've used it with great results on any number of semiautos, including my R9s. Great stuff - I won't buy anything else now.
Title: Re: TW25b Lubricant Protectant
Post by: dfsutton on October 24, 2006, 01:11:54 AM
How does this stuff compare to Militech oil?