The Rohrbaugh Forum

Miscellaneous => Other Guns => Topic started by: garymass on April 16, 2008, 11:23:02 AM

Title: 1911
Post by: garymass on April 16, 2008, 11:23:02 AM
Ok I have asked this question many times on different sites and only get a few answers but I will try again. I have never owned a 1911 and have been looking at all the different models and makers that are out there and so many choices. First I would like to be able to carry it concealed as I only like owning guns I can carry.
My next question is I have carried guns with no safeties on them which means it comes out piont and shoot which for self defense is the best so I would have to retrain myself with a new weapon with taking the safety off which also concerns me if it is worth it.
I have looked at Kimber,SW, Taurus, Para and Springfield. So far everything keeps pointing me back to Kimber but are they truly worth the extra money? I also like the new EMP from springfield in 9MM but it is almost the same price as the Kimbers in .45. Anyway I know we have a lot of gun owners on this site that have more experiance in these guns then most and just don't want a salesman that is just trying to make the sale at one of my local stores telling me what I want to hear.
Thank you in advance for your advice.

Title: Re: 1911
Post by: Richard S on April 16, 2008, 12:10:48 PM
I've been known to go on for hours in praise of the Model of 1911, John Moses Browning's highest achievement, which I carried during my military service.  My favorite 1911 is a highly customized Colt Government model.

As far as value for money is concerned, the Springfield Armory 1911s are hard to beat these days.  However, since you indicate that your past experience has been with double-action guns, you might want to take a look at one of the Paras. Here's a link to a review of the Para LDA (Light Double Action) 1911 by Massad Ayoob, whose opinions I always value highly:
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: ccoorreeyy on April 16, 2008, 12:16:52 PM
I don't know much about the 1911 platform, but that EMP is a nice looking gun.  I may have to check them out.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: Jack_Bauer on April 17, 2008, 12:32:48 AM
I love the 1911. Kimber makes a fine firearm. If you feel you can learn to use the safety and carry cocked & locked I would highly recommend it. There's nothing that feels like a quality well balanced 1911 in your hand.

My Kimber Warrior and Ultra RCP II.


My Ultra RCP II in current carry configuration.


Granted since I've been toting my R9S in the pocket I haven't carried the RCP too much lately. But it's still there if I need it.

Title: Re: 1911
Post by: Richard S on April 17, 2008, 07:26:30 AM
Beautiful trio, JB!  Thank for posting the photographs.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: eddie_c-clamp on April 17, 2008, 09:33:48 PM
Check out the Colt Defender too. I bought one LNIB after comparing to the Kimber UCP.

Check out TFL for sale site. There are always Kimber UCP's for sale. Makes me a bit wary.........
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: Richard S on April 20, 2008, 06:36:17 PM
Forgive me, Gentlemen, but all this 1911 talk and Eddie's mention of the word "Colt" just triggered an irrational urge for me to post this photograph again:


Title: Re: 1911
Post by: rod m1 on April 20, 2008, 08:49:10 PM
Check out the Colt Defender too.

I love mine and carry it everyday. All 1911  models with 3 to 4 inch barrels  have there share of probblems with feeding or ejecting, kind of like the R9. But the Colt Defender is known to be the most reliable.

If you won't a full size model any well known make will be very reliable. But once you shorten the barrel your choices diminish and maintenance doubles. The 3 inch barrel models your only real choice is Colt and you still mite have to do some tweaking to it.

For further study:
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: Jack_Bauer on April 21, 2008, 04:48:03 PM

I love mine and carry it everyday. All 1911  models with 3 to 4 inch barrels  have there share of probblems with feeding or ejecting, kind of like the R9. But the Colt Defender is known to be the most reliable.

If you won't a full size model any well known make will be very reliable. But once you shorten the barrel your choices diminish and maintenance doubles. The 3 inch barrel models your only real choice is Colt and you still mite have to do some tweaking to it.

For further study:

I disagree. The three 3" Kimbers I've owned including the current one pictured above have been flawless.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: grayfeathers on April 22, 2008, 05:17:25 PM
My Springfield armory Micro compact has not failed in over a thousand rounds so far. Its a 3 inch barrel.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: Newt on April 22, 2008, 08:46:54 PM
Why go cocked & locked when you can go locked and uncocked, P7M13,M8. :-*
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: Cutaway on May 02, 2008, 10:11:45 AM
That Chrome M1991 is a belter 8)

The HAFDASA contract M1911's are one of my fave's
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: X-Pilot1 on May 08, 2008, 01:57:20 PM
I have carried a Kimber Ultra Carry II 3" for 2+ years and put probably 500 rounds through it, not 1 problem and I love the 3", I am rather short and it conceals great in a crossbreed supertuck with dress pants and also in a Desantis cozy partner when wearing jeans.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: Richard S on May 08, 2008, 05:04:26 PM

Welcome to the Forum!

If you don't already have an R9 in your pocket to back up that beautiful Kimber, I'll bet the "theirishguard" could take care of that for you. 8)
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: X-Pilot on May 08, 2008, 08:27:23 PM
Thanks, Already sent Tom a check for a stealth, can't wait...I sold my previous back-up/pocket pistol and have been feeling very bare on some occasions.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: X-Pilot on May 08, 2008, 08:30:34 PM
BTW X-Pilot and X-Pilot1 are both the same, 2 different computers, it was the only way I could work things out to be able to participate at both locations....
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: dawkind on May 08, 2008, 09:47:31 PM
I've carried a cocked-and-locked 1911, or varient of some sort, for almost 40 years and am pround that a R9S backs them all up now.  ;D

Here are a few 1911 type pistols I enjoy......

Title: Re: 1911
Post by: Aglifter on May 17, 2008, 05:17:10 PM
If you get one, don't forget to pick up a 22 conversion kit -- It still allows most of the benefit of practice, at a fraction of the recoil and cost, and makes a VERY pleasant 22 pistol.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: M14-68 on July 01, 2008, 01:34:16 PM
My all day, everyday carry 1911 is a Nighthawk T3. It's a 100% gun and just "fit's" me. Very concealable with a Tucker Gun Leather "The Answer" holster. I have a Kimber Ultra Carry II that was just awful. It had the dreaded external extractor slide with about 60% FTE's. Kimber reworked the pistol, replaced the slide with the current configuration slide for free and we went from a 40 % reliable gun to a 90-95% reliable rate. Now I have the occasional FTF. I will not carry it as I just cannot trust it. I would expect a $800 gun to work 100% of the time and maybe most do but I'm done with this one. It's too bad as it's a nice, compact package. I'm beginning to believe what others say that the 1911 platform does not need to go below 4.25 inches. I have two other full size Kimbers and they are super. One is an Ecplise in 10mm (oh my!!) and the other is a Desert Warrior. After 500+ rounds they are 100% and would trust my life to them. Then I got on a Nighthawk kick and am totally spolied. I expect the R9S coming in tomorrow to be a great back up to my T3.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: theirishguard on July 01, 2008, 01:46:34 PM
M14, sounds like a good plan.  Have fun shooting the pup. Tom
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: M14-68 on July 01, 2008, 01:57:27 PM
Thanks Tom. I'm dying knowing the nice man in the brown truck will be bringing it to me toworrow.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: eddie_c-clamp on July 02, 2008, 02:55:46 PM
Prolly the hardest part about gun ownership is the waiting........and relying on a FFL that is on the ball 8)
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: M14-68 on July 02, 2008, 06:54:05 PM
I'm getting antsy.  :'( It did not show up today and my FFL is off untill Monday...jeez!!! Well, it's always nice to have something to look forward to. I'm going to the range tomorrow anyway.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: eddie_c-clamp on July 02, 2008, 10:56:05 PM
My FFL (also my gun club's treasurer) takes his sweet a** time to notify me when my pistols are in his time he waited a week w/o telling me he had the unit >:(
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: M14-68 on July 03, 2008, 12:04:49 AM
It came in! It was under the door mat. Jeez. Range tomorrow.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: eddie_c-clamp on July 03, 2008, 07:50:15 AM
Blast Away with that new pup 8)
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: DT on July 18, 2008, 08:41:25 PM
Kimber is the way to go.  They have many options and variations on a modern, purpose built 1911 platform.  

I am a born and bred Colt guy.  That being said, the modern guns just do not have the fit and finish one would expect, with such a high price tag and rich history.  For this reason, Kimber is my new 'goto' brand.  For only slightly more that a stock Colt, you can get one of the souped of Kimber varieties, straight from the Custom shop.  (The 'Kimber melt' is absolute greatness.)   A Colt would take a trip to your gun smith and twice as much money (or better) to get it to the level of a Kimber right out of the box.

I carry a Kimber Ultra CDP II. (45 ACP)   Subcompact, 3"  match barrel.  As at least one poster has said, the problems that are inherent with the smaller autos, you just don't have with the Kimbers.  Top notch.  Zero complaints.

The aluminum frame on the smaller guns takes some getting used to, but, beyond that, Kimber gets an unqualified thumbs up from me, in all categories.  Anything else is 'second best.'


Title: Re: 1911
Post by: JHawk on August 13, 2008, 06:20:56 PM
Had to jump in here!  My new R9s brought a similar smile to my face the first time out as did the first time I shot a 1911.  I still love my 1911's and do carry them ( one at a time ) now and then.  I have two govt. model 1911's - a Les Baer SRP & Nighthawk GRP.  I also have a Cylinder & Slide CCO (concealed carry officers ) with a commander length slide and officers grip.  All are a pleasure to shoot and the CCO carries pretty well - does not print at all and a bit lighter than the others. My belief is that Ed Brown, Wilson Combat, Les Baer and Nighthawk all occupy a similar tier of semi-custom 1911's.  They offer various models and although not cheap you do get what you pay for.  Probably some day I will pick up a Colt and have it worked on simply for the sake of having a Colt.  You either like 1911's or you don't.  Nothing like the clean break of a nice single action trigger.  Sort of like the pop of a top off that first cold beer bottle after a long hot day. Hmmmmm... time to go.   8)
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: Newt on August 14, 2008, 12:19:16 PM
I have owned many 1911's ,a proven platform to be sure, but I would urge all 1911 fans to look at the H&K 45c V1. It has a decocker and choice of carrying C&L or DA with saftey on or off and is lighter for carry with a9rd cap.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: M14-68 on August 14, 2008, 07:44:30 PM
I just picked up a Sig P220 carry in SAO. Like all Sigs it goes bang everytime. It's just as accurate as any of my Nighthawks 1911's. My everyday carry piece is a Nighthawk T3 but that P220 can make it sweat for 1/4 $$.
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: Jack_Bauer on September 11, 2008, 09:15:52 PM
Here's an up to date pic of my primary and back-up duty guns. Of course the R9s goes in the pocket.

Title: Re: 1911
Post by: theirishguard on September 12, 2008, 12:39:02 PM
Jack, nice   Tom
Title: Re: 1911
Post by: Richard S on September 21, 2008, 07:07:34 PM

Superb taste!   8)